Do Huskies Shed A Lot? Unveiling the Shedding Mystery

do huskies shed a lot?

Huskies are loving, high-energy dogs. They are friendly with both humans and dogs, have beautiful eye and coat colors, and rarely exhibit aggression. Though, before getting these beautiful creatures, you might ask – do huskies shed a lot? Well, about that, and not only, but you can also read all about husky shedding in this article.

However, before you start adding a Husky to your family, make sure you have reasonable expectations about the grooming required. Because, while your Husky’s coat is linear and won’t tangle, he sheds a lot.

Huskies have a beautiful coat that can keep them warm in the coldest climates. If you’re planning to buy a Husky, you should understand how they shed as well as how to cope with it.

Siberian Huskies do shed. Huskies shed either once-twice a year because of seasonal changes, unlike other breeds of dogs that shed all year. This process, known as “blowing” their undercoat, can take 3 to 5 weeks.

Background of the Husky breed

Let’s take a closer look at the Husky to see why it has such a heavy layer. The Siberian Husky is an ancestor of the existing sled dog.

It is widely assumed that the breed originally came in the cold Arctic weather of Siberia, where temperatures can reach deficient levels even during the summer months.

The Husky was therefore introduced into Alaska in the early twentieth century, in which they were known as ‘Siberian Rats’ due to their small size. People are still surprised at how tiny the Husky is, as they are much smaller than most people believe.

do huskies shed a lot of fur

They are an incredibly active breed of dog that, if given the opportunity, would spend the entire day outside playing. As a result, they require constant exercise (at least two times a day) rather than a five-minute stroll to the nearest tree.

But they fit in various climates since they are intended for cold temperatures. However, you must be cautious when allowing them in the bright sun or when it is scorching.

Do huskies shed a lot? Mystery Explained

During the first spring blowing phase, first-time Husky owners are taken aback. The amount of hair that these amazing pups can shed is incredible.

It’s not uncommon for new Husky owners to interpret excessive shedding as a symbol that the dog is ill. But it’s perfectly normal. Every couple of days, bucket loads of hair will fall out.

The closely packed hairs spread out when a Husky pops their undercoat, as this gives the impression that you’re removing an impossibly large amount of hair. Consider it similar to digging a deep hole.

You’ll find yourself with a massive pile of dirt that doesn’t appear to fit in the small hole. The same is valid for Husky hair.

best husky dog brush

You’ll get rid of a lot of hair, but your Husky would then look almost the same again.

It’s incredible how much fur a Husky sheds in a short period. Brushing is essential to keep things under control, or you’ll end up with hair everywhere and a patchy husky.

During shedding, I would frequently approach my Husky and pull out large fistfuls of hair at a time. To say Huskies shed a lot is an understatement because they blow their coat.

When Do Huskies Shed Their Fur?

Huskies shed their base coat twice a year due to their double layer.

It occurs before summer when their coat thins out to cope with the heat, and again before the cold season, when their skin sheds or “cleanses” itself to make room for their new, shiny, denser coat in the cold weather.

Huskies are dogs bred to withstand extreme cold – the kind that even native people in the north find hard to control.

As a result, even if they’ve been brought up in hotter areas, they may experience year-round shedding as their coats try to compensate for a lack of cold and an abundance of heat.

It is not a common occurrence, and it is possible to own a woolly-coated Husky, which has longer hair than most dogs.

Husky puppies generally shed their whole puppy coat between the ages of 10 and 14 months.

What Is The Shedding Frequency In Huskies?

Huskies shed all year and will clear more of it in certain situations.

Huskies, like many of the dogs, shed hair at different times of the year. As part of a natural hair regeneration cycle, hair dyes start to fall out and are replaced by new hair, and this means that the Husky sheds moderately all year and will need to be brushed and vacuumed regularly!

huskies require constant exercising

If you’re looking for a light shedder, a Husky isn’t for you because he blows his coat during shedding season. It is a whole shed of the undercoat, which comes off in huge clumps and leaves you with a lot of mess to clean up.

The bottom line is that your Husky will shed. If you want a non-shedding breed of dog, a species like such a Golden doodle that sheds less may be a better fit.

How Much Shedding Do Huskies Have?

They shed a lot. If you’ve never seen a Husky during a season change, it will blow not only his coat – and also your mind. Trust us on our word. But be afraid of nothing. This changes nothing in regards to this absolutely amazing dog breed.

But first, let’s begin from the beginning of explaining husky double coats,

Huskies and Their Double Coats

There are two types of coats in dogs: double coats and single coats.

  • Single Coats

Poodles, Pitbulls, and Poodle mixes, Yorkshire Terriers, and Shih Tzus are examples of single-coated dogs. Single coats are available in both short and long lengths.

They are distinguished because they are made up of a “single” type of hair. It is comparable to human hair. The hair does not shed or shed infrequently.

  • Two layers coats

The majority of dog breeds and blends have a double coat. That’s what we call a “fur” in the traditional sense:

There are long guard hairs as well as a thick and woolly undercoat. While the dog’s guard hairs do not fall out or are only rarely shed, the undercoat does. It gets a lot of blows twice a year, just before an excellent season chance. Outside of this seasonal change, however, there can and will be some tier of consistent shedding.

why my husky sheds a lot

Huskies, as you may have guessed, have a double coat. It is required to be insulated and kept warm in the more relaxed environments where they were bred. While their skin is adorable, soft, and snuggly, it will eventually fall out—a great deal.

How Much Hair Do Siberian Huskies Lose in a Year?

Every year, a Siberian Husky sheds a significant amount of hair. Not sure of the amount because I’ve never weighed it! I’m not sure that if anyone has done so.

But, to put it differently, my friend has created a lovely scarf out of the fur, which their Huskies had also lost in a brief period! More would seem to arrive every day.

As a result, your Husky will most likely lose hair every day of its life, and you’ll have some chores at home to do every day of the same period.

The truth is that Siberian Huskies lose so much because they have so much fur to shed!

Is It Possible To Stop Husky From Shedding?

Naturally, you might be asking – if huskies shed a lot of furs, It is impossible to prevent a Siberian Husky from shedding completely. However, with a frequent grooming regimen, you can reduce it to a reasonable extent.

Grooming removes stray hairs before it begins to fall out everywhere, saves a great deal of cleaning time. Grooming takes time, but it is a great bonding experience.

A Husky’s undercoat will shed at least once and generally twice a year, depending on the area, and even in the temperate zone of the UK, they will blow it twice.

It will happen, and you will have no control over it. It will also happen for a reason. Shedding is due to hormonal adjustments in the dog because of daylight changes.

Some people are perplexed as to why the Husky blows its covering as winter approaches. The undercoat blown during this period is distinct from the coat blowing in the spring.

Their thinner springtime coat is the one that is shed as winter approaches. A thicker cold-weather coat takes its place.

is it possible to stop husky shedding

The thick winter coat is blown away in the spring, and the shortened summer coat grows back.

So, do huskies shed a lot? until now, I guess, we discussed enough to say – yes, huskies shed a lot of year throughout the days, not even years. Siberian Huskies shed a lot in the warmer months, so keep up the care and maintenance to keep the mess to a minimum.

While we have explained all about shedding and shed a light on the mystery, we will also below be discussing how to take care of all of the fur huskies has to share and well, shed as well all-around your house or apartment.

How do I Care For A Husky’s Coat?

Of course, there are a few others, but most breeds of dogs do require frequent grooming.

You won’t prevent your Husky from shedding, but you can make your life easier. Groom them regularly and make them a part of everyday life.

I know it’s easy for someone like me to say, but it only takes a few minutes of your moment and can be pretty therapeutic.

Never, Ever Shave The Husky!

You’ve probably seen pictures of huskies without the coats that have been shaved. They appear ridiculous, with a poufy head protruding from a thin surface.

While this will seem an excellent idea to trim your dog during the warmer months, cutting a rough can lead to serious health problems.

The coat of a Husky is crucial to its living. The double covering controls temperature, and Huskies also require their coats for insulating material in the winter season.

You should never shave a Husky’s coat! It will not keep the Husky cool in summer’s hot weather.

In reality, trimming your Husky may cause thermal stroke because they will no longer have the fur to control their body temperature.

Due to the lack of coat of fur, the sun may directly hit your dog’s skin. Because rough skin did not evolve to withstand direct sunlight, even a moderately sunny day might be fatal to a shaved dog.

The single time you could shave a Husky is for surgery or a medical emergency. There are around no valid reasons to clip or trim a rough’s hair aside from medical emergencies.

Unfortunately, many dog groomers and veterinarians are unaware of the severe risks associated with trimming a Husky.

We’ve written more in our separate article about why you should never shave husky. You can check it in here for more details: Can I Shave My Husky? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t!


Even though brushing could be time-consuming, it is the most effective way to remove hair efficiently and decisively. The truth is that the more hair you accumulate with your brush, the less hair you will receive on the clothes and furniture. Brushing removes clumps and collects loose hair from his jacket. It’s also a good way to mess up your dog and bond with him.

During the shedding season, you will need to brush your hair every day. Initially, it would be too much for him, but a lot of fuss and the occasional treat will help him stay put while you collect and bag all that fur. An all-over brush will take about 20 minutes.

Please give him a rapid brush once a day for the remainder of the year to remove loose hair and inhibit tangles and knots. It’s critical to have the right brush for your Husky.

Read more on brushing and other essential things in one place here: 15 Things You Need For a Husky Puppy – Add These To Your List!

Use The Appropriate Brushes

The brushes you use are the next most crucial aspect to get right.

There are so many multiple kinds of brushes, mainly on the market, that can be a little perplexing, from expensive de-shedding tools to bristle brushes better suited to other breeds.

I’ve tried them all, and by far, the best two brushes are a simple undercoat scrape (for the undercoat) as well as a slicker brush (for the topcoat).

I have used these two brushes together in a single sitting. I begin with the undercoat rake for about 10 minutes, then finish with the slicker brush for a further 5-10 minutes. These bristles cover it all, and I have yet to find a meeting that produces better results! Could you take my word for it?

We have reviewed all the best brushes for huskies in this article separately: Best Brush for Siberian Husky (Buying Guide)

When I brush my furry companion, I start at the top and make my way down in long thrusts to the bottom. I make sure I hit each spot before concentrating on the underside neck area and the backside, which are the areas where the hair sheds the most. Don’t forget the tail!


Numerous owners consider the food bowl the last place when it comes to shedding issues with our human-like companions. The diet of a dog can have a massive effect on his mounting habits. Skin and hair require specific minerals and vitamins to remain healthy and lustrous. Good fats, Vitamin D and C, and omega acids are necessary dietary supplements to reduce hair loss.

Feeding your Siberian Husky high-quality dry kibble is an excellent way to keep his coat in pristine condition. Your dog’s coat will take care of itself if you feed him the right foods. Plus, a decent diet keeps him nutritious as well as good-looking, so it’s a win-win situation for both you and the Husky.

Our most good advice is to buy the highest kibble your budget allows. Look for recipes that are high in fish, omega fatty acids, flaxseed, fish oil.

do huskies need diet

Look for recipe books that are high in fish, omega fatty acids, flaxseed, fish oil. All of these are beneficial for naturally regulating shedding and maintaining your boy trying to look his best.

We have reviewed some of the best husky dog foods in separate articles, which will be super useful if you are a new or existing owner of husky: 5 Best Dry Foods For Husky Puppy (Buying Guide)


Choosing the best shampoo for your Husky’s needs should not be taken lightly. Whether he’s a sensitive little soul who requires a gentle touch body wash for his skin. If he has a show-stopping provenance that necessitates his coat glistening like ice, the right shampoo can make that happen.

If the Husky sheds more than others, there is an anti-shed formula that can help. It is intended to help the skin retain hair more robust and more potent by trying to regulate pH levels, and it can help by simply replacing your regular shampoo with it.

best husky shampoos

Your regular bathing schedule of once every 6 – 8 weeks is much more than adequate. Any more than that, and you’ll be rinsing away the natural oils which help regulate hair growth. If they get it wrong, they may shed more rather than less. So, if you’re not sure how frequently you should wash your puppy, always look at the label or discuss your vet.

If your vet says that your pet has a skin disorder, they will most likely recommend that you use a medicated shampoo. These are specifically designed to soothe skin, reducing shedding.

Here are some of the best and tested-by-us shampoos you might want to have a look at for your husky. In these separate articles, we have reviewed all:

Give The Husky’s Body Enough Of Exercise

Due to their nature of being highly energetic, Husky and exercise could almost be the same word! It would help if you exercised your Husky at least twice a day for at least an hour each time.

During the shedding season, take your Husky for quick miles. Running and jumping will not only help to free up to remove the dead fur, but it would also help to keep him in the best shape possible.

Keeping him healthy will allow him to shed effectively and efficiently.

I always tell owners how vital exercise is, particularly when it comes to skin and fur health. So consider your current routine and, if necessary, make changes.

Groomers With Expertise

Many Husky owners make a habit of taking their dogs to an expert groomer regularly.

It is an excellent choice, especially if you’ve never groomed a Husky before and if you have a busy schedule. Groomers can remove a significant number of dead undercoats. It will significantly reduce the amount of hair in your home.

husky grooming and groomers

Ideally, you must start introducing your Husky to a groomer as early as possible in his life. The younger the puppy, the easier it is for him to accept grooming as “just a part of life.” A dog that is three months old can be taken to a groomer and brushed and showered there.

If you adopt an adult Husky, you can still train him to go to the groomer. Set up regular consultations after your dog has gotten used to it. Most Huskies require grooming every 1-2 months.

FAQs on Husky Shedding

Now, let’s look at the most asked questions about Huskies and their unusual shedding. Some queries may be essential summaries of the preceding information, while others will be original questions and answers.

Q: When do Huskies get rid of their coat and fur?

A: Husky puppies are born with a short, soft coat. They will shed the puppy fur and coat and develop their grownup double-coat between 6 and 12 months. When this occurs is determined by the climate in which you live and the latest season.

Q: Can I trim my Husky to keep him cool and to cut down on shedding?

A: Aside from his odd appearance, this is a specific no for another, more important reason. In both hot and cold weather, his double coat restricts his body temperature. By removing his fur, he will no longer be able to control his body temperature effectively. He is much more likely to overheat, dehydrate, and become ill. Shaving him exposes him to UV rays as well.

Q: Do Huskies shed a lot more than the other breeds of dogs?

A: They are not like other dogs such as Labradors or German Shepherds. Whereas other dogs shed all year, Huskies just shed only once or twice a year to transition between cold and warm coats. Besides the blowing time, dogs shed less hair than other breeds of dogs throughout the year.

Q: How to know when it’s time to go to the vet?

A: First and foremost, compare the amount of hair your dog sheds to that of other Husky breeders on online Husky forums. You may be surprised at how other Huskies shed, which may put the mind at ease. 

If you suspect something else is at work, consult a doctor about the reasons listed above, such as stress, allergies, or infections. Take him to his favorite vet if his skin is visibly dry, flaky, or inflamed.

Conclusion on ‘Do Huskies Shed A Lot?’

So, there you have it. So, do huskies shed a lot? simple answer is – yes. A good vacuum cleaner, hair-resistant clothing, hair-resistant (easily cleanable) furniture, and, of course, a great deal of patience are required to be a liable Husky owner. But trust us when we say he’s well worth it. He may shed all year and blow his hair, but if you follow our advice, you’ll be fine.

Huskies are a fun and friendly breed, but you should consider their grooming requirements before getting one. If you get a Husky puppy, you will have to live with actual shedding and weekly brushing. Not all shareholders are up for this, but many are amazed by how much hair their Husky loses regularly.

Setting up monthly grooming appointments with such a groomer can assist owners in managing shedding. Weekly oral hygiene will also aid in the reduction of stray hairs in the home.

Plus, not to forget to mention, according to Huskies are not hypoallergenic and therefore should not be embraced by allergy sufferers.

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