If you have a Husky, you likely know how high-strung and energetic these dogs can be in the summer. But do you know how to keep a husky cool during the hot season?
Huskies have a thick coat of fur to keep them warm in the harsh weather conditions they inhabit, but this same feature makes them more susceptible to heatstroke during the warmer months.
Luckily, you can do several things to help a husky stay cool and comfortable during the summer. This article will discuss the dangers of heatstroke in huskies, the signs to look out for, and some tips on keeping your husky cool in the summer.
Can Huskies Live In Hot Weather?

Surprisingly, the answer is yes! Huskies are a versatile breed of dog that can adapt to various climates. They can enjoy the hot weather and are just as eager to go for walks or play in the yard in the winter. Dog experts agree that huskies don’t appear concerned by the sun, noting that they don’t immediately display indications of discomfort while out in the heat.
Since Huskies have thick topcoats and undercoats, they have a lot of furs to protect them from the cold. This same amount of fur can protect huskies and help them stay cool when the temperature and humidity rise.
The dog’s topcoat is made up of thick, wiry patches of hair that help resist water, sunlight, and UV rays while also allowing them to move air back and forth to stay cool. The huskies’ undercoat will provide various functions, including protecting their skin from any heat absorbed by their topcoat.
However, even though huskies are made to withstand extreme temperatures, it is still essential to take precautions to ensure your dog stays cool in the summer.
What Temperature Is Too Hot For a Husky?

As with all dogs, huskies are susceptible to heatstroke, and it is vital to know the signs so that you can treat your dog if they should get too hot.
According to petMD, your dog’s average body temperature ranges from about 100 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit, but during exercise or stress, their internal temperatures may rise to 105 and 107 degrees.
As for Huskies, if the temperature outdoors is over 25 degrees Celsius, they should be kept indoors. Most huskies will succumb to heatstroke and dehydration if the temperature rises beyond 30 degrees Celcius.
If the temperature outdoors is over 25 degrees Celsius, it would be better to keep your huskies indoors. Most huskies will succumb to heatstroke and dehydration if the temperature rises beyond 30 degrees Celcius. Still, huskies will be fine in temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius as long as they have sufficient cool drinking water, shade, and air circulation.
While some huskies can tolerate 30-degree temperatures, it is not their favorite environment. The optimal temperature for a husky is less than 20 degrees Celsius.
Remember that husky pups, elders, and health conditions will require more heat protection. These huskies like temperatures below 20 degrees Celcius.
What Is Canine Hyperthermia and How Does It Affect Huskies?

Hyperthermia is when an animal’s body temperature rises to abnormal levels. When this happens, the animal’s internal organs begin to shut down, and they may eventually die if their temperature is not quickly lowered.
There are two types of canine hyperthermia: heatstroke and hypothermia. Heatstroke occurs when a dog’s body temperature rises to 106 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Hypothermia happens when a dog’s body temperature falls below normal, usually below 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
While both hypothermia and heatstroke can be deadly, heatstroke is much more common in dogs and is especially dangerous for huskies since they are built for cold weather conditions.
What Are The Signs of Canine Heat Stroke?

There are several signs that your husky may be suffering from heatstroke, including:
- Excessive panting or difficulty breathing: A husky that is panting rapidly or heavily breathing needs to be cooled down.
- Unusually rapid heartbeat: Like excessive panting or difficulty breathing, a husky that experiences a fast heart rate could have trouble dealing with the heat. This dog will need immediate medical attention and should not be left outside on its own until they have cooled down.
- Drooling: Huskies are often excessively drooling when they feel uncomfortable or anxious, and this may be a sign of heatstroke. This dog will also need immediate medical attention as soon as possible.
- Vomiting: Unlike regular drooling, vomiting can indicate that the Husky suffers from severe heatstroke. If you notice your husky retching, bring them to the vet right away.
- Collapsing: A husky that suddenly collapses is likely suffering from heatstroke and needs emergency medical assistance.
- Agitation and restlessness: A normally calm dog may become agitated or restless when suffering from heatstroke. It may signify that the dog is in pain and needs cooling down as soon as possible.
What are the signs that hyperthermia becomes severe?
If the condition worsens, here are some signs that your dog may have severe hyperthermia and needs urgent medical attention:
- Diarrhea or vomiting: Huskies may have diarrhea or vomit in severe cases. Contact your vet immediately if you notice either of these signs.
- Decreased coordination: Husky owners should be aware that their dog’s body temperature has gotten so high that it affects their motor skills and mental capacity.
- Unconsciousness: Dogs who suffer from heatstroke may become unconscious. If your Husky is unresponsive, take them to the vet or emergency animal hospital.
8 Ways to Keep A Husky Cool in The Summer

If you have a husky, it’s essential to take extra care of them during the summer. Here are some tips for keeping your Husky cool and comfortable in hot weather.
Don’t shave your husky.
Some individuals will claim that shaving your husky will keep them cool and not create any issues. Avoid doing it. Huskies’ fur acts as a natural air conditioner and an insulating layer. The huskies’ fur traps air against their skin, keeping them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Shaving your husky disrupts the shedding phase since their hair does not regrow in the same manner. When a husky’s hair does not grow the same way, it can cause major bald spots and other problems. Instead of shaving your husky, just make sure that their fur stays clean and well-groomed during the summer months.
Never allow sunbathing.
Huskies enjoy sunbathing as much as any other dog. However, their thick fur can make it easy for them to overheat. Letting your husky sunbathe is the fastest way for him to get dehydrated and suffer from heatstroke. While it may feel fantastic, it will make your husky quite sick in the long run.
Your husky may go outdoors and enjoy the sunshine on occasion. However, basking and lying down to rest in the sunlight creates major issues.
Brush your Husky’s fur regularly.
During the summer, it’s essential to brush your husky’s fur regularly. It will help to remove any dead hair and prevent mats from forming. It will also help distribute the natural oils in their coat, keeping their fur healthy and looking shiny.
When you brush your husky’s fur, pay close attention to their undercoat. The layer of fur is closest to their skin and traps heat the most. Be sure to brush this area thoroughly to help keep your husky cool.
Give your husky a cool bath.
If your husky starts to overheat, one of the best things you can do is give them a cool bath. It will help lower their body temperature and provide them with a chance to rest in the cool water.
If you don’t have access to water, you can also try spraying your dog with a garden hose. It may not feel as good as dipping the huskies in a bathtub or pool, but it’s better than nothing when they start to overheat.
Make cool drinking water available at all times.
It’s essential to ensure that your husky always have access to cool, clean drinking water. During the summer, it’s a good idea to keep a bowl of water in the shade so that your dog can drink as needed.
You should also avoid walking your husky during the day’s hottest hours. If you must walk them, carry a water bottle with you and offer them sips of water as needed.
Never leave your husky in the car.
It’s never a good idea to leave your dog in the car, even for a short period. Cars can heat up quickly, and dogs can easily suffer from heatstroke. If you must leave your husky in the car, crack the windows and park in the shade.
Give ice baths.
If your husky starts to overheat, one of the best things you can do is give them an ice bath. It will help lower their body temperature quickly and provide them with a chance to rest in the cool water.
Give your husky an ice bath by filling a tub or sink with cool water and adding some ice cubes. Then, gently lower your dog into the water and let him rest there for a few minutes. Be sure to offer him plenty of fresh drinking water after his bath to help him recover.
Offer frozen treats to your husky.
One of the best ways to keep your husky cool in the summer is to offer him frozen treats. It can be anything from ice cubes in his water bowl to frozen dog treats.
- Ice cube treats: You can also make your frozen dog treats by freezing chicken broth or beef broth in an ice cube tray. Then, simply pop a few out and let your Husky enjoy them on a hot day. You may put them in the water bowl for the husky to eat! It will make it into a fun activity, but it will also encourage your husky to drink more water. Effectively tolerating high conditions requires being sufficiently hydrated.
- Frozen carrots: Another healthy treat you can offer your Husky is frozen carrots. Carrots that have been frozen are almost indestructible chews! Carrots do not contain too much sugar. Thus, the huskies may consume it regularly. Please only use large whole carrots in this recipe. Choking hazards exist with baby carrots.
- Frozen bananas: Bananas may be peeled and frozen for a delightful treat. Bananas are good for huskies, but keep them whole to minimize choking hazards. Just avoid giving them every day because of the banana’s sugar level.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do huskies need an air conditioner?
A: No, huskies don’t necessarily need air conditioners, but they can certainly benefit from them in areas where the climate is hot and humid. Dogs cool themselves by panting, and since huskies have thick fur coats, they can overheat easily in warmer climates. So providing huskies with a comfortable place to rest indoors with a good air conditioning unit will help them stay cool and comfortable during the summer months.
Q: Do huskies like fans?
A: Some huskies may enjoy the feeling of a fan blowing on them, while others may not be fans of fans. It depends on the individual husky. Some dogs may find the noise and vibration from a fan annoying, while others may enjoy the cool breeze it provides. Ultimately, it’s up to the dog owner to decide if their Husky enjoys having a fan on or not. If the dog seems to enjoy it, then turn it on! If not, then there’s no need to force your pup to sit in front of one.
Q: How long do Huskies stay in the hot weather?
A: Unlike many other dog breeds, Huskies are bred to withstand cold weather and tolerate relatively high temperatures for short periods without suffering health complications. However, they should not be left in extreme heat for an extended period, as they can overheat quickly. On average, Huskies can withstand temperatures up to about 30 degrees Celcius before they start to experience health problems.
Q: Do Huskies overheat in the summer?
A: Siberian Huskies are relatively tolerant of hot weather, but they are still at risk for heat-related illnesses if they spend too much time in the heat. The key is to make sure your Husky has access to plenty of water and shade and that you take walk breaks often to avoid over-heating.
Final Thoughts
Huskies are dog breeds that withstand cold weather, but that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate a little help staying cool in the summer. With their thick coat, Huskies can stay comfortably in cold climates with little effort on their owner’s part, but they can overheat just as easily in hot, humid conditions.
If you want to keep your husky happy and healthy all year round, it’s essential to ensure that they have access to plenty of water and a cool place to rest indoors during the summer months.
Do you have any tips for keeping Huskies cool in the summer? Share them in the comments below!