Train Alaskan Husky Puppy: Expert Obedience Tips for Success

There’s no doubt that Alaskan Huskies are one of the most beautiful dog breeds in the world. They’re also known for being one of the most difficult dog breeds to train. If you’re thinking about adding an Alaskan Husky to your family, it’s important that you know how to train them properly. This article will discuss some tips and tricks for training an Alaskan Husky.

Alaskan Husky: The History of Origin

Alaskan Husky

The Alaskan Husky is a relatively new breed of dog. They were originally bred in Alaska during the late 19th century for sledding purposes. Because of their strong work ethic and amazing endurance, they quickly became one of the world’s most popular dogs for sledding.

Although Alaskan huskies were bred as working dogs, they have become popular pets in recent years. They’re known for their loyalty, intelligence, and playful personality. However, their high energy level and independence make them challenging to train.

Alaskan huskies prove to be one of the most versatile dog breeds. They do good on sledding, racing, skijoring, carting, and weight pulling.

Alaskan Husky Temperament

Before you begin training your Alaskan Husky, it’s important to understand their temperament. They are a high-energy breed that is known for being independent and stubborn. They’re also extremely intelligent, which means they can be easily bored if they don’t have enough mental stimulation.

Alaskan huskies are loyal and loving dogs, but they require training to prevent them from becoming destructive. When training your Alaskan Husky, it’s important to be patient and consistent. They will push your boundaries, but if you are firm and consistent in your guidelines, they will eventually understand what they need to do.

The Right Way to Train an Alaskan Husky

how to train a alaskan husky

If you’re thinking about adding an Alaskan Husky to your family, it’s important that you know how to train them properly. Here are some tips and tricks for obedience training an Alaskan Husky:

Start Training Early

It’s essential that you start training your Alaskan Husky as early as possible. Alaskan husky puppies have a much shorter attention span than adult Alaskan huskies, so it’s important to take advantage of this time and start teaching them the basics.

Start training them at around eight weeks old with simple commands like sit, stay, come, and down. As they get older, you can begin teaching them more advanced commands.

Make Friends With Them

Making friends with your Alaskan Husky is one of the finest ways to train them. Huskies are social animals and are more likely to obey commands from someone they trust and respect.

Build a bond with your Alaskan husky by spending time playing with them, taking them for walks, and giving them plenty of love and attention.

Give Them Plenty of Exercises

Alaskan Huskies are high-energy dogs that need a lot of exercise. If they don’t get enough physical activity, they can become destructive and difficult to train.

Make sure they have plenty of chances to burn off energy. Take them for long walks, runs, or hikes. If possible, let them off-leash in a safe area so they can run and play to their heart’s content.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an excellent method for training your Alaskan Husky. It means rewarding them when they do something you want them to do. Positive reinforcement is an excellent technique to keep your Alaskan husky obeying your orders. Some examples of positive reinforcement include treats, verbal praise, and petting.

On the other hand, if they do something you don’t want them to do, don’t give them any attention. Ignoring bad behavior is one of the best ways to train your Alaskan Husky. However, don’t scold or yell at them, as this will make them more likely to repeat the behavior.

Be Consistent

You must be consistent with your rules and commands. If you allow them to do something one day but not the next, they will become confused, and it will be more difficult to train them. Everyone in the family must be on the same page when training your Alaskan husky.

Furthermore, you should also be consistent with the way you reward them. If you give them the best treat one time and verbal praise the next, they will become confused and won’t know what they did to deserve the reward.

Make Training Fun

Alaskan Huskies are a high-energy dog breed, so you must make training fun for them. If they’re not having fun, they will quickly become bored and less likely to obey your commands.

One way to make training fun is to incorporate playtime into your sessions. After your Alaskan Husky has learned a new command, let them play with their favorite toy as a reward. You can also bring them for a walk or run after training to let them burn off some energy.

Be Patient

Training an Alaskan Husky can be challenging, so you must be extra patient. They are a stubborn breed and sometimes will test your limits. However, they will eventually learn to obey your commands if you’re consistent and patient.

Training an Alaskan husky will not happen overnight, so be prepared for some bumps along the way. But if you stay with it, you will certainly have well-trained huskies you can be proud of.

Basic Alaskan Husky Training Commands

Teaching your Alaskan husky basic commands is a great way to start their training. Here are some basic commands that you can teach your Alaskan Husky:

  • Sit: Have your Alaskan Husky sit before you give them their food, go for a walk, or throw their favorite toy.
  • Stay: This important command will keep your Alaskan Husky from running off. Once they’ve learned this command, you can let them off-leash in safe areas.
  • Come: This command is important for recall. If your Alaskan Husky ever gets loose, you’ll be able to call them back to you with this command.
  • Down:  This command is useful when you want your Alaskan Husky to calm down. You can have them lie down when they’re getting too excited or when you want them to stay in one place.
  • Heel: This is an important command for when you’re walking your Alaskan Husky on a leash. It will keep them from pulling on the leash and make walks more enjoyable for you.
  • Off: This command helps teach your Alaskan Husky not to jump on people or furniture. You can also use it to stop them from begging at the table.
  • No: This versatile command is beneficial for various situations. You can use it to stop them from chewing on your shoes, jumping on people, or getting on the furniture.
  • Drop it: This command will teach your Alaskan Husky to drop something they have in their mouth. It’s important to teach them this command so you can avoid any potential accidents.
  • Leave it: This command teaches your Alaskan Husky to ignore something they’re interested in. For example, if you spill a piece of food on the ground, you can use this command to get them to leave it alone.
  • Fetch: This is a fun command that will give your Alaskan Husky some exercise. It’s also a perfect way to tire them out before bedtime.

Important Training For an Alaskan Husky

Alaskan Husky

While there are a variety of commands you can teach your Alaskan Husky, there are a few that are particularly important. Here are some of the most critical training for Alaskan Huskies:

Crate Training an Alaskan Husky

Crate training is an important part of obedience training for Alaskan Huskies. They are a high-energy breed and need a lot of exercise. A crate will give them a safe place to stay when they cannot burn off all their energy.

Here are some crate training tips for your Alaskan Husky:

  • Put their food in the crate, so they associate it with positive experiences.
  • Begin with short periods in the crate and gradually increase the amount of time.
  • Never use the crate as a punishment.
  • Ensure that the crate is large enough for them to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

Leash Training an Alaskan Husky

Leash training means teaching your Alaskan Husky to walk calmly on a leash. It is important when you take them on walks or hikes. The key to leash training is to make it a positive experience for them.

Here are some tips for leash training your Alaskan Husky:

  • Start with short walks around the house and gradually increase the length of the walks.
  • Use a harness rather than a collar to avoid choking.
  • Use treats to reward them for walking calmly on a leash.
  • Never use the leash as a punishment.
  • Stop walking and make them sit until they settle down if they start pulling.
  • Never yell or jerk on the leash at your Alaskan Husky. It will only cause them to be more resistant to walking on a leash.

Potty Training an Alaskan Husky

Potty training means teaching your Alaskan Husky where it is appropriate to go to the bathroom. The important aspect of potty training is to be consistent. Alaskan huskies are fast learners and will quickly catch on to what you expect of them.

Here are some potty training tips for your Alaskan Husky:

  • Take them outside frequently so they learn that this is where they should go to the bathroom.
  • Take them to the same location each time, so they learn to associate it with going to the bathroom.
  • Be consistent with the location of the bathroom area.
  • Use a command such as “go potty” when you take them outside.
  • When they reach the appropriate spot, reward them with treats or compliments.
  • Never punish them for having an accident. It will only make your Alaskan husky afraid of going to the bathroom in front of you.
  • Be patient and keep at it even if there are setbacks.

Training an Alaskan Husky Not to Bite

It’s essential to train your Alaskan Husky not to bite for two reasons. First, it’s a safety issue. You don’t want them to hurt someone with their teeth accidentally. Second, it’s important for their socialization. If they’re constantly biting people, they will have difficulty making friends.

Here are some tips for training your Alaskan Husky not to bite:

  • Never play rough games with your Alaskan Husky. It will only encourage them to bite.
  • Use a command such as “no biting” when they start to mouth or nip at you.
  • Redirect their attention to a toy or chew bone if they start to mouth or nip.
  • Praise them when they play nicely without biting.
  • If they bite, make a loud noise such as yelping to startle them and then walk away. It will teach that biting results in losing your attention.
  • When they bite, never use physical punishment such as beating or slapping. It will only make your Alaskan husky afraid of you and more likely to bite.

Training an Alaskan Husky to Minimize Barking

While it’s normal for Alaskan Huskies to bark, you may not want them to do it all the time. If you’re finding that your Alaskan Husky is barking excessively, there are some things you can do to train them to minimize their barking.

Here are some tips for training your Alaskan Husky to minimize their barking:

  • Don’t encourage them to bark by playing games such as fetch, where they have to bark to get the toy.
  • When they begin to bark excessively, use a command such as “quiet” or “no barking.”
  • If they continue barking, walk away and ignore them until they stop.
  • Praise them when they stop barking.
  • Never punish them for barking. It will only make them bark more out of fear.

Training an Alaskan Husky to Be Calm and Relaxed

Since Alaskan Huskies have a lot of energy, teaching them how to be calm and relaxed is crucial. It is especially important if you live in a small space such as an apartment.

Here are some tips for training your Alaskan Husky to be calm and relaxed:

  • Establish a daily routine including walks, playtime, and quiet time.
  • Make sure they have plenty of exercise, so they’re not pent-up energy.
  • Teach them obedience commands such as “sit” and “stay.”
  • Practice meditation and deep breathing with them.
  • Use positive reinforcement such as giving treats or praise when they are calm and relaxed.
  • Never punish them for being high energy. It will only make your Alaskan husky more anxious and stressed.

Effective Training Principles for Alaskan Huskies

When training your Alaskan Husky, keeping a few principles in mind is important. These principles will help you improve your training and get better results.

Here are some of the most important principles to remember when training your Alaskan Husky:


This principle means that your Alaskan Husky should be able to obey commands in any circumstances, not just the specific conditions where they trained. For example, if you teach your Alaskan Husky to sit, they should be able to do it at home or in the park.

The importance of this principle is to ensure you’re not just teaching your Alaskan Husky commands but teaching them how to generalize the orders to different situations. Generalization is one of the most important aspects of training and will help your Alaskan Husky be more obedient overall.


This principle states that if you stop rewarding a behavior, it will eventually disappear. For example, if you give your Alaskan Husky a treat every time it sits, and ultimately will learn that sitting gets a treat. However, if you stop giving treats for sitting, they’ll eventually stop doing it because it’s no longer rewarding.

Extinction is an important principle to remember because it helps eliminate unwanted behaviors. If you want your Alaskan Husky to stop doing something, such as barking excessively, you can use extinction by simply ignoring them when they do it and not rewarding them in any way.

➤Stimulus Control

Stimulus control means that your Alaskan Husky should only respond to commands when you give them. For example, if you teach your Alaskan Husky to sit, they should only do it when you say the “sit” command. They shouldn’t sit just because someone else says “sit” or because they’re sitting in front of a chair.

This principle is important because it helps your Alaskan Husky focus and pays attention to you. It also helps prevent confusion and ensures that your Alaskan Husky only does what you want.


Shaping is a training technique where you reward your Alaskan Husky for getting closer and closer to the desired behavior. For example, if you want your Alaskan Husky to sit, you might start by rewarding them for standing still. Once they’re consistently standing still, you can start rewarding them for putting their butt down.

Shaping is important to remember because it allows you to train your Alaskan Husky to do more difficult behaviors gradually. It also helps prevent your Alaskan Husky from getting frustrated because they cannot do the behavior perfectly from the start.


Punishment is a training technique where you do something unpleasant to your Alaskan Husky after doing something you don’t want them to do. For example, if your Alaskan Husky jumps on you, you might push them off or spray them with water.

Punishment is an important principle to remember because it can help to reduce or stop unwanted behaviors. However, it’s important to use punishment correctly, or you could worsen the problem behavior.

When using punishment, it’s important to make sure that:

  • The punishment is immediately after the behavior occurs.
  • The punishment is consistently applied.
  • The punishment is not too severe.
  • You’re not using punishment as a way to vent your own frustration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long does it take to train an Alaskan husky?

The time it takes to train an Alaskan Husky depends on several factors, including:

  • How much time you’re willing to spend training
  • How often do you train
  • How well your Alaskan Husky responds to training

It normally takes several weeks or even months to train an Alaskan Husky fully. The older the Alaskan Husky, the longer it may take to train them. So better to start training them as early as possible.

Q. How do I train my Alaskan Husky to stop pulling on the leash?

One way to train your Alaskan Husky to stop pulling on the leash is by using a ” positive punishment technique.” It involves punishing your Alaskan Husky every time they pull on the leash. For example, you might jerk on the leash or say “no” every time they pull.

Another way to train your Alaskan Husky to stop pulling on the leash is by using a ” positive reinforcement technique.” It involves rewarding your Alaskan Husky every time they walk without pulling on the leash. For example, you might give them a treat or praise them every time they walk without pulling.

Whatever technique you use is up to you, but remember that punishment should only be used as a last resort. It’s important to ensure you’re using punishment correctly or risk scaring or hurting your Alaskan Husky.

Q. Are Alaskan huskies half-wolf?

No, Alaskan Huskies are not half-wolf. They’re a type of dog bred to pull sleds in cold climates. Alaskan Huskies are a mix of dog breeds, including the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute, and the Greenland Dog.

While Alaskan Huskies might look like wolves, they’re very different. Wolves are wild animals who live in packs, while Alaskan Huskies are domesticated dogs that live with humans. However, they have some wolf-like characteristics, such as thick fur coats and bushy tails.

Q. Do Alaskan huskies talk?

Alaskan Huskies are known for their howling but don’t actually talk like humans do. They communicate with other dogs by barking, growling, and howling. Humans can understand some of what they’re trying to say, but it’s not the same as actual human conversation. Alaskan Huskies are also known for their “eye contact.” They often stare at their owners to communicate, which can be scary! But it’s just their way of trying to connect with us.

Q. What does it mean if Alaskan huskies howl?

Howling is a form of communication for dogs. It’s how they communicate with other dogs, and it’s also how they express themselves. Alaskan huskies are known for their loud, powerful howls. They might howl to greet their owners, get attention, or just because they’re happy or excited.

When you hear your Alaskan husky howling, it’s a good idea to take a moment to listen. They might be trying to tell you something!

Final Thoughts

Training an Alaskan Husky can be challenging, but it’s doable with patience and consistency. The most important thing is to start training early, be consistent with your commands, and use positive reinforcement. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to having a well-trained Alaskan Husky!

If you have questions about training an Alaskan Husky, feel free to comment below! And be sure to check out our other blog post on Alaskan Husky obedience training for more tips and tricks.

Happy training!