Huskies are some of the most beautiful dogs in the world. They have thick, soft fur that comes in many different colors and patterns. Huskies are extremely popular with dog owners who want a loyal companion who is also easy to take care of. Unfortunately, huskies also experience periods, something that can be very confusing for new owners! In this article, we’ll discuss why your husky gets her period and what you should do if she experiences any side effects or complications due to this hormonal change.

Male and female huskies both experience bleeding. But does this mean they both have periods?
Periods in male huskies
Male huskies also experience periods, which can be alarming for owners. These huskies may have a high level of estrogen in their bodies, which is what causes them to have periods. Your male husky may not be in heat or even interested in breeding, so don’t worry if he gets aggressive or excited when you walk through the door after work!
Periods in female huskies
Female huskies can have periods because they have high levels of estrogen in their bodies. It can be initiated by stress, a change in diet, or even the introduction of a new dog into the household. They can have periods because they are in heat and will soon be pregnant. This is all normal and should not be cause for alarm (unless your husky seems uncomfortable).
If you are a husky owner, then you must be familiar with the term “heat cycle.” It is a normal process that occurs in female huskies when they reach maturity. The heat cycle can last for several days, and it is best to keep them away from male huskies during this time. A husky’s period is similar to the heat cycle. However, there are some differences between these two processes.
It is a common misconception that female huskies do not menstruate. In fact, female huskies go through an estrus cycle just like humans. The term “estrus” means heat or “being in heat” and refers to the time when a female husky is receptive to mating. This occurs approximately every six months, during which the husky will be more vocal, urinate more frequently and show less interest in food.
This period of heightened desire can last up to 18 days on average. Still, it can vary greatly from one husky to another depending on their physical condition and hormone levels at any given time. Some also have irregular cycles, so it may be hard for you as an owner to know precisely when she will come into heat again if this happens on its own schedule rather than yours!
General signs
A husky’s period will last around two weeks. During this time, you may notice your husky panting and pacing a lot more than usual. She may also be restless and irritable or even more affectionate toward you.
Watch out for changes in your husky’s behavior during her heat cycle as well! While she won’t lose any blood during these cycles (unlike when she menstruates), there are other signs that will help you know what’s going on with her body and how to help her through it. Suppose your husky does show any signs of bleeding from her vagina. In that case, it is advisable bringing her into the vet right away because this could mean that something is wrong internally or externally (like an infection).
Swelling of the vulva
You may notice that your husky’s vulva is swollen. This is the first sign of a female husky having a period, and it’s caused by the hormone progesterone. The swelling occurs a few days before the actual period, so if you see this swelling, then expect it to happen in about seven days or so. Swelling can vary from dog to dog and from day to day. Some huskies have more swelling than others do, but typically this isn’t painful for them at all!
Vaginal discharge
The color of the discharge will vary, but it’s usually white or clear. The consistency of the discharge can be thin and watery to thick and pasty. Your husky might also have an odor that smells like rotten fish. This is called a “fishy” smell, so if you’ve ever noticed that your husky has been swimming in the ocean or near a pond or lake and then smelled her vagina afterward, this is likely what you’re smelling!
Knowing if your husky is suffering from depression can be difficult, but there are some signs that you can look for. Depression in huskies often causes lethargy, decreased appetite, and sleepiness. Your husky may also stop interacting with family members or other dogs as much as they normally would. If you detect any of these signs in your husky during her period, it could be a sign that she’s depressed.
Hormonal imbalances are another cause of depression in female huskies who have not been spayed yet or had an early spay surgery done on them (before they were six months old). Huskies who have gone through the change should see their veterinarian because hormonal imbalances can lead to more serious health problems like aggression issues or even cancer later down the road!
One of the most common signs that a husky is menstruating is aggression. At this time, it’s important to keep an eye on your husky and make sure they don’t get into any fights with other animals in the house or outside. Your husky may also become more territorial than usual during their period, so it might be best to keep them away from any other pets you have.
If your husky has never had problems with aggression before, then it could be a sign that something else is going on, like being in heat.
Loss of appetite
If your husky has a period, you may notice that she has more of an appetite than usual. This is because the hormones in her body are causing changes to occur. She could be experiencing symptoms such as mood swings, aggression, and depression. It’s important to be conscious of these signs so you can support your husky throughout this time.
If you’ve never seen your husky on their period before and they’re acting differently from usual, their behavior could be due to any number of things like stress or anxiety. If this behavior continues for longer than two days, then it’s best to consult with a veterinarian about what might be going on!
Change in behavior
You may notice that your husky is very active and seems to have more energy than usual. If your husky normally behave in a calm manner, you may be able to tell if something is wrong with his attitude or behavior by looking at how he reacts to certain situations. For example, if he’s normally calm but now seems agitated, it could mean that he’s having her period.
The same goes for affectionate huskies, who are now acting more loving than usual. This could also mean they’re experiencing their period!
You can also check the video below for another reference.
A husky’s period is not pregnancy. When a husky goes into heat, it’s called a “heat cycle.” This is when your husky will get swollen vulva and release an egg-like substance called glaire or vaginal mucus. This mucus can be clear or slightly yellowish and smells like yeast infections in humans, but don’t worry, it’s normal!
You can also check the source of bleeding. If you notice your husky bleeding heavily from her mouth or anus and shaking uncontrollably, she may have some type of internal bleeding, which could be fatal if left untreated.
It is important to note that a husky’s period and pregnancy symptoms are similar. You can be able to differentiate between the two once you see the discharge turning into a bloody color.
A husky’s period can sometimes occur because of stress or during its heat cycle. When your husky comes in contact with another male husky, they will become aggressive, and they may bite or snap at other dogs that approach them too closely.
Whether you’re a new husky owner or have had your female husky for years, the question of how long her heat cycle will last is something that inevitably comes up. There are a lot of factors to contemplate when deciding when and if to spay your husky, including her breed and age. It’s important to know that spaying won’t prevent your female husky from going into heat as an adult. It just shortens the time between heats by about six months.
Spaying before she has her first cycle will also reduce the risk of unwanted puppies in future litters. You should always confer with your veterinarian before making any decisions about spaying or not spaying, but here’s what we know about how long periods last in our furry friends:
Period schedule
Your female husky will go into heat every six months.
>>First heat cycle
Between 6 and 12 months of age, your female husky will have her first heat cycle. This usually lasts for 21 to 23 days.
>>Second heat cycle
Between 12 and 18 months of age, your female husky will have her second heat cycle that can last up to 35 days or more!
Period/heat length
The heat cycle lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. The average length is three weeks, but you should not be surprised if your female husky shows signs of being in heat for a shorter or longer period of time, as this can vary greatly between huskies.
The length of a huskies’ heat cycle may be affected by:
>>Her age
Huskies generally start their first heat cycle between 5 and 6 months old, with each subsequent cycle occurring about every 9–10 weeks until sexual maturity (about 12–14 months). In some huskies, this pattern continues throughout life, while in others, it becomes less frequent with age.
>>Her weight
Obese huskies tend to have irregular cycles because fat tissue produces higher levels of estrogen than leaner bodies do. As a result, overweight females are likely to experience fewer heats than thinner felines do over their lifetimes. However, when these heavy breeds do come into season, they can go through an especially long period while they’re pregnant both times, so it’s important you keep track and make sure she doesn’t accidentally get pregnant again while she has puppies inside her already!
>>Exercise level
Active huskies will have more regular cycles than those who aren’t as active (or sedentary!). If you suspect that your new husky isn’t at all thrilled about going out walking every day, then perhaps consider hiring someone else to help you with this.

As a husky owner, you have a big responsibility. Your husky can’t take care of herself, so you’re the one who has to make sure she’s taken care of and healthy. One way to do this is to make sure that your husky feels comfortable and safe in her environment. The following suggestions will help you do just that!
Keep calm and soothe your husky
You must remain calm in the event of your husky’s escape or other stressful situation. She is already frightened, and you are her security blanket. If she senses panic from you, this will only make her more anxious and stressed out as well.
Here are some things to avoid:
- Yelling at your husky (or anyone else) during an emergency situation
- Punishing the husky for escaping or acting up
- Shaking or hitting the husky, even gently (this is based on studies that show that violent punishment can lead to aggression)
- Feeding or watering during stressful situations
Give her a comfortable and safe environment
Give your husky a comfortable and safe environment. Keep her in a cool, quiet place. She’ll feel safer if the temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). Also, keep her away from other animals, children, and windows. She may view them as a threat or become nervous in their presence. Even if she is friendly with other pets at home, don’t allow them to interact until she gets used to you first!
Lastly, keep her away from drafts or heat sources. They could cause chills or burns on sensitive skin areas like ears and noses that some huskies have very little protection against these.
Vet consultation
Call your vet quickly if she shows any of the signs below
- Excessive water intake
- Increased urination
- Vomiting or diarrhea, which are not just digestive issues but can also be symptoms of other illnesses.
If you’ve ever seen a husky poop, you’ve likely noticed that it’s mostly solid. If your husky is pooping blood or mucus, that could be a sign of something serious. But what causes bleeding from the rectum or vagina? And how can I tell if my husky has something to worry about?
Dysentery is a common problem among huskies, especially in warmer climates. The condition usually occurs when the husky ingests or eats foods that are contaminated with certain types of bacteria and parasites.
Symptoms of dysentery include:
- Diarrhea (usually bloody)
- Vomiting
Treatment for this condition includes any necessary medications for bacterial infections, antibiotics if the cause is bacterial, fluid therapy if dehydrated (and possibly electrolyte supplementation), antiemetics to help control vomiting, and supportive care, including rest for the husky and relief from stressors (such as loud noises).
Parasitical worms
Hookworms are one of the common types of parasitic worms in huskies. They’re small, thin worms that can live in the husky’s intestine and cause anemia (low red blood cell count). Keep in mind that hookworms can be transmitted to humans.
Parasitic roundworms are also known as “ascarids.” These tiny worms are usually white or creamy-colored and measure less than 1 inch long. Roundworms live in your husky’s digestive tract and cause diarrhea, which leads to weight loss due to malabsorption problems. Some types of roundworm larvae may penetrate into tissues beyond the intestines, leading to tissue damage that can result in severe illness or death if left untreated.
Roundworms often go unnoticed until serious damage has occurred. However, it’s important for husky owners to be aware of this parasite so that treatment can begin sooner rather than later. You’ll know how easy it is for hookworm eggs found on your lawn furniture and shoes to infect your furry friend!
Tumors or cancers
Tumors and cancers can be benign or malignant. They are caused by a number of factors, including genetics, diet, and the environment. Tumors are not always cancerous. When they are, however, they can be treated with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.
There are many reasons why your husky may be bleeding, and it can be difficult to know what the cause may be. However, there are some things you can look for that may indicate a more serious problem.
>>Stress and travel
Stress can cause a husky to bleed and have diarrhea, as well as cause other symptoms like fevers, stomach aches, and skin rashes. If your husky is under stress or has just traveled long distances recently (for example, in an airplane), then this could lead to bleeding or other digestive problems such as diarrhea.
>>Diet changes
Your husky’s diet can quickly change from one day to another depending on whether or not he ate something that disagreed with him immediately before experiencing bleeding issues. This is especially true if that item contains onions or garlic, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation when consumed by huskies who are sensitive enough not only to eat them but also to experience side effects afterward!
The most common issue in diet alterations is an allergy to proteins such as chicken or beef, but there are other foods that can cause an allergic response too. If your husky has developed an allergy, you should switch him to a different food until the symptoms vanish on their own (it may take several months). You should also consider switching his treats as well. Some brands contain corn syrup or sugar, which can trigger allergies as well!
Rabies virus
The rabies virus is caused by a group of viruses that infect the central nervous system. One of the signs that your husky is infected with rabies is bleeding. The virus is usually transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected animal, but it can also be spread through the saliva or mucus membranes of an infected animal.
Rabies causes inflammation in the brain and spinal cord, which results in symptoms such as headaches, muscle weakness, and paralysis. If left neglected or untreated, these symptoms may direct to death within days or weeks after infection.
If you are a first-time husky owner, it is acceptable to be surprised and worried if you have seen your husky bleeding in its private area. But there is nothing to worry about except if the bleeding is unrelated to the lists mentioned above. If that’s the case, a word from the vet is the best solution. This is to prevent giving misdiagnosis and mistreatment of your husky. Just remember that your husky needs you in this most sensitive time.
If you are wondering if you can wash a husky while on period, you can click here. This article will talk about general rules when washing or cleaning a husky.