Meet the Alaskan Kai Dog: The Little Husky with a Huge Heart

alaskan klee kai

Suppose you want a smaller pet but one with a big personality. In that case, you should consider the Alaskan Kai dog, also known as the Alaskan Klee Kai. The name of this rare breed means “little dog.” Linda Spurlin created this cute breed sometime in the 1970s.

If you’re curious about this type of miniature Husky, you should keep reading. And, if you decide to become the proud owner of a Klee Kai pet, your dog will surely win over your heart with his lively temperament and striking appearance.


Other namesHusky Lite, AKK
Breed groupNon-sporting dogs, companion dogs, Spitz type
Alaskan Klee Kai sizeToy, Miniature, Standard – three variations
Height13-18 inches
Weight10-22 pounds
ColorsGrey and white, black and white, red and white
Life expectancy12-16 years
CoatDouble coat with plush texture
SheddingModerate to heavy
Barking tendencyAlert and vocal
TemperamentIntelligent, loyal, playful, curious, affectionate
Alaskan Klee Kai price$1500-$3000

Facts About the Alaskan Klee Dog Breed

Alaskan Klee Kai dogs are cute and friendly. They come in three sizes, and their double-coated fur varies in color, from black and grey to white and red. Not many people know that this dog breed has given us some natural escape artists: despite their small size, Klee Kais are agile and curious. Hence, they find ways to pass under or over your fence if you’re not careful.

So, make sure you have secure yards to match their adventurous spirit. Unlike other types of huskies, Alaskan Kai dogs like to keep themselves clean. I am talking about cat-like cleanliness, with them grooming themselves and being tidy. So, they’re low-maintenance pets.

Klee Kai are masters due to their facial markings. They truly have unique expressions, such as raised eyebrows or giving their side eyes. You’ll know for sure what their mood is. For me, their cute little faces are most endearing and entertaining.

Physical Traits of the Alaskan Kai Kai Dogs

Alaskan Kai dogs feature double-coated, medium-length fur. Therefore, they require regular grooming, but not daily. This dog breed comes in a variety of colors, but all are a combination of white and another hue.

Weight and Height

Although all Klee Kai canines have a compact size, I feel the need to describe these dogs’ weight and height based on the breed’s variety:

  • Toy Kai dogs – 13 inches or lower in height; a weight of under 10 pounds;
  • Miniature Klee Kai – between 13 and 15 inches in height, with a weight of 10-15 pounds;
  • Standard Kai – a height of about 15-17.5 inches and a weight of approximately 15-22 pounds.

Based on these alternatives, prospective dog owners can make a well-informed choice that meets their needs and suits their lifestyle. Some of you may want a lightweight dog, while others prefer a more robust pet.

Coat and Fur

Like all other huskies, Klee Kais have thick, dense fur with two layers: the undercoat is soft and insulating, but it sheds during fall and spring. The topcoat, also known as guard hairs, features a coarser texture and can keep moisture and dirt away from your dog’s skin.

The length of a Klee Kai’s fur is medium, looking plushy without being too fluffy or very long. These canine companions shed moderately throughout the year, but they do have the seasonal fur blowout. Brushing your dog a couple of times per week will help you manage shedding much more effectively.

While brushing must be done at least once per week, occasional yet less frequent bathing is sufficient to help your furry friend remove part of his loosened undercoat hairs. Brushing will be significantly easier after each bath.

Alaskan Kai Dog Temperament

Alaskan Kai dogs are quite playful, energetic, and vocal, so they need plenty of mental stimulation and effective training solutions. Unlike many other huskies, Klee Kai doggos are more eager to please their owners by following their commands.

These high-activity pooches are intelligent yet less strong-willed than Siberian huskies. Although smaller, they can become excellent watchdogs due to their trainability. Klee pets are also suspicious of strangers, being talkative and howling, without barking excessively.

Common Health Problems

Alaskan Klee Kai dogs are relatively new, so some health issues might remain unidentified. On the other hand, all of you Kai owners out there should be aware of the following problems:

  • Patellar luxation – when a luxation of the kneecap occurs, slipping out of its place;
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis – dogs with this condition will experience weight gain, skin or ear infections, lethargy, and brittle fur;
  • Cryptorchidism– when one or both testicles don’t descend into the dog’s scrotum;
  • Food intolerances – your Kai dog might have this if he shows signs of bloating, diarrhea, foot infections, flatulence, and vomiting;
  • Sensitive stomachs – you can solve this by offering your pet a consistent diet, buying dog food marketed by reliable brands;
  • Heart murmurs– if your pet faints, coughs, lacks energy, has pale gums, and doesn’t tolerate exercises, he might deal with heart murmurs. In this case, you should contact his vet as soon as possible.

Average Lifespan

Most Klee Kai pooches are healthy and live very long lives, ranging between 12 and 16 years. Their longevity is partly due to their genetic inheritance and partly because they are a mixed breed instead of a pure one. Moreover, vets have stated that smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger ones.

Trainability – How Trainable Is an Alaskan Kai Dog?

Like all huskies, Klee Kai is intelligent. However, it’s more trainable than other similar breeds. Kai dogs are more willing to please their owners than Siberian huskies. This is an athletic canine that loves active training sessions.

Besides physical exercises, you should also encourage your dog to participate in cognitively engaging activities. You should always find new ways to train them because they love novelties and learning fresh commands.

AKK dogs might be friendly and social, but they’re also cautious and sensitive, so focusing on positive reinforcement will always work. Activities such as agility instruction, dock diving, racing, carting, and obedience practice are all effective.

What Are the Nutritional Needs of Alaskan Kai Dogs?

Whether you prepare your dog’s food at home or prefer to purchase it, you should always make sure it contains high-quality ingredients appropriate for your pet’s size and age. When in doubt, you can always seek the vet’s opinion.

Your AKK pet should be healthy and fine if you watch his weight, meal portions, and calorie consumption. Treats in moderate amounts are also good.

Grooming and Maintenance

Your dog’s grooming routine should consist of regular fur brushing, occasional baths, dental care, nail trimming, and ear cleaning:

  • Brushing – use a de-shedding tool or a brush to remove excess hair at least once or twice per week;  
  • Bathing – one bath per month should suffice, using gentle dog products;
  • Teeth brushing – a couple of times per week, with a soft toothbrush and dog-formulated toothpaste;
  • Nail trimming – at least once per month, with a dog nail clipper;
  • Ear cleaning – once a month, using a dog ear cleaner approved by the vet.


How Big Does a Klee Kai Dog Get?

Depending on the breed variation, they can grow between 10 and 22 pounds and reach 13 to 17 inches.

Are Klee Kai Good Family Dogs?

They’re great family pets, especially if you have an active household. They are good with children and love to play together.

What’s the Difference Between Siberian Huskies and Klee Kai?

Although their physical appearance is similar, Klee Kai was bred for companionship and doesn’t need as much exercise as Siberian huskies. Unlike other types of huskies, Kai dogs are more reserved and cautious.

Final Bark

The Alaskan kai dogs are spirited and unique, providing a husky’s beauty and charm, but in a more compact size. They’re energetic and loyal, which makes them the ideal pets for active families. You should consider this breed if you want an expressive and devoted furry friend.

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