Have you recently bought a Husky from someone, but you’re still doubtful about its breed? This is a common problem for first-time Husky owners because they don’t know the real features of a purebred Husky. Keep in mind that a Husky-looking dog doesn’t mean it’s a purebred Husky. That is why in this article, we will reveal the checklist you must keep in your pocket for a safe transaction.
Let’s start!
If you’re thinking about buying a Siberian Husky, it’s important to understand how to assess the breed and make sure that the puppy you choose is truly a purebred Husky. There are several characteristics that define this beautiful dog breed.
You should be able to tell if your Husky is purebred by examining his physical features. Huskies that look similar to other Huskies are probably purebreds. A pedigree can help you identify whether or not a dog is purebred, but it’s not always reliable for this purpose because some people who breed dogs don’t keep good records of their breeding history. If your Husky has parents and siblings that resemble him in appearance and temperament, it’s likely that he is purebred. If your dog has grandparents and great grandparents who look like him, then he may be purebred as well.

Here is what to look for when determining whether or not your new pup is a true Siberian Husky:
The primary thing you should check in a purebred Husky is the coat. Your Husky’s coat should be thick and dense but not silky. The length should fall somewhere between their ankles and thighs but not reach the ground. They have double-coated fur: one layer of longer hairs (the guard hairs) that protect them from weather conditions and another layer underneath (the undercoat) that insulates them against cold temperatures.
The purebred Husky breed has two acceptable colors: black or white; anything else is considered invalid or disqualifying by the AKC (American Kennel Club).
The face of a Siberian Husky should be short and flat. Then, the muzzle is also very short but still has distinct canine characteristics. Other facial features are the eyes. Dark eyes are present in all dogs in this breed, as are small triangular ears that sit up on the head rather than hanging down around it. Then, wide-set eyes are another common trait among Siberians, as well as no underbite or overbite; in other words, no extra teeth!
There should also be no wrinkles or folds anywhere on your pup’s body and especially not in their ears! They shouldn’t droop down too far either; any excess skin should be removed surgically as early as possible during development before age 1.
The ears of a purebred Husky should be pointed, not rounded. They should be small in proportion to the face and head. Then, the ears should be held erect, with a distinct downward curve at the tip. They shouldn’t droop or curl forward over their face. Lastly, the ear hair should be thick, long, and rough (rather than soft), giving them a prickly appearance.
You can tell if your Husky is purebred by observing the teeth. A purebred Husky will have white, straight teeth that aren’t too large or too small. The teeth should also be evenly aligned and not crooked. They should not be too far apart, nor should they be too close together.
Size and weight
A Siberian Husky is a beautiful, loyal companion you can have for years to come. These dogs have been around since the 1930s, but they still remain popular as pets. They are a famous breed because of their wolf-like appearance and thick coat; they are also fun and playful animals that love to run around outdoors with their owners. Despite this popularity, there are some things you should know about Siberian Huskies before adopting one.
Brush tails are a feature of the Siberian Husky. They’re long and thick, but they don’t curl or coil like a corkscrew. Brush tails are also absent in the Alaskan malamute, which has an average-length tail that sometimes hangs down low to the side.
Huskies are beautiful dogs. They have a thick coat that makes them look fluffy and cute, and their almond eyes are just so expressive! Huskies can be very energetic and playful, which is why they often make good pets for families with children. However, many people who have purchased Huskies from pet stores or from backyard breeders wish they had gotten purebreds instead. So what are the specific advantages of having a purebred Husky? Let’s find out in this section.
Health testing is an integral part of breeding Huskies. Vets can perform genetic tests on the puppies, which will show whether or not there are any health problems in the pup’s future. The Husky breeder must also check the parents of each puppy and make sure they are free from any genetic diseases as well.
Health testing is done at birth and then again at regular intervals throughout their lives. When you buy a Husky puppy, they will have already been tested for health problems that could affect them later in life. And when you register your new Husky with AKC (American Kennel Club), it will be recorded in their database as being cleared by a vet for all known problems related to this breed of dog.
You can expect your purebred Husky to be more predictable. You’ll also find they’re easier to train. The same goes for grooming, too. You know what you’re getting in terms of coat care and hair maintenance. And finally, because they have a better genetic makeup, you’ll have healthier dogs overall!
The fact that you know what the parents are like means that you can pretty much predict what their puppies will be like. If a Husky has a good temperament and is healthy, then it’s likely that his or her children will have similar qualities. You don’t have to worry about unexpected traits arising in your pup because of the way its parents were raised or whether one parent was bred for aggression or some other undesirable trait.
Purebred Huskies are easier to train. It is much easier to train the purebred Husky than an adopted one. Most of the time, you will find that a purebred Husky has better qualities than an adopted one. The trained dogs are predictable and don’t have a problem with being trained again in other ways as well.
They also tend not to show aggressive behaviors towards strangers or other animals at home. However, it does depend on your training methods as well as your personality type when dealing with them! A major advantage of having a trained Husky over an untrained Husky would know how far away you can let them go without worrying about what might happen while they’re gone since they’ve been taught good behavior over time!
Easier to groom
Huskies have a special double coat, which means they shed and grow fur at different rates. Their outer layer of fur protects them from the cold, while the undercoat insulates them against heat. When your Husky sheds, it’ll be in large clumps that can be easily removed with a brush. Their fur is also soft and manageable, so you don’t need to get out the scissors every few days just to keep it from tangling or matting too much!
Though it has been described in the previous section that a purebred Husky is somewhat a great pet. But! You must also keep in mind that these dogs are not perfect. They still have some behaviors that are sot suitable in some cases. To list a few of these disadvantages, keep reading this section.

fIndependent streak Medical attention
Though it was said that purebred Siberian Huskies are healthier, they will still require a lot more medical attention than their mixed-breed counterparts. They’re more likely to be subject to genetic defects and other health issues, which can lead to expensive veterinary bills.
Additionally, because certain purebreds are prone to particular diseases, some people might not want to own one as a pet. For example, Siberian Huskies suffer from cardiomyopathy (a disease that affects the heart muscle) at a rate of about 1%. At the same time, Alaskan Malamutes are susceptible to bone cancer and eye problems like progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts.
Independent streak
The Siberian Husky has been known to show a very independent streak when it comes to training and socialization. This is an attribute that has been bred into the dog and one that can make them less than ideal for some people looking for a pet who will be more responsive to commands. However, with patience and understanding of your Husky’s needs, you can get them on the right track toward being a well-behaved member of your household.
As mentioned above, Huskies are not necessarily known as easy dogs to train (though this does vary from one dog to another). It is important not just to be patient when working with your Husky but also consistent in your training methods and expectations from the beginning; otherwise, you may find yourself faced with stubbornness or disobedience instead of cooperation on your part.
Barking and howling
Barking is a way of contact for dogs. It’s their way of saying, “Hey, I’m here!” or “I don’t like something.” They use it to get attention from you or to alert you to an intruder in the house. When Huskies bark, it can mean many things. They could be bored and want some exercise; they could be lonely and need more attention from their human; they could feel frustrated because they can’t go outside, or maybe even afraid that someone’s coming into your yard who shouldn’t be there (like a burglar).
You can click here if you want to train your Husky not to howl while you’re away.
Can’t live alone
The Siberian Husky is a very vibrant dog and needs to be taken on long walks at least once a day. They also love to run, so if you have a large yard, this would be ideal for your Husky. The Siberian Husky does not do well in apartment living because they need space to roam and lots of space to play and exercise. If you are gone during the day for work or school, there may be someone that can walk your Husky outside while you are away, but it will most likely not be enough exercise for them since they need more than just going up and down stairs at home (as many apartment complexes require).
If you get a Siberian with children or other pets in the family, make sure everyone knows how much attention these dogs need before getting one otherwise, everyone might not get along as well as expected, which could lead to some problems later on down the road when things start going south!
Space and exercise
Huskies are a very vigorous breed, and they need plenty of space to run and play. They also enjoy long walks and hikes. If you have a small lawn or apartment, you may want to reconsider owning such a large dog. This is particularly true if you live in an area that doesn’t get much snow during the winter months, as Huskies like to dig holes in the snow for fun!
The Husky is a beautiful and powerful dog. Due to their size and strength, they’re often used as sled dogs in the winter. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be your best friend on a lazy Sunday afternoon. In fact, many Husky owners are just as happy to cuddle up on the couch with their furry friends as they are to go sledding with them!
When choosing a Husky, it is important to know the possible available mixed breeds so that you’ll have an idea what are the differences and similarities of the different Huskies. This will also ensure the safety of every transaction, especially for those who are buying from not certified shops.
The Alusky

The Alusky is a mix of the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute, resulting in a dog that blends the best traits of both breeds. As an Alusky owner, you can expect to be greeted with a friendly and energetic pup that loves to play.
This breed is loyal, intelligent, and protective. In addition to these great qualities, these pups have soft coats that are easy to groom, which makes them low-maintenance for owners who want nothing more than a cuddle buddy!
The Shepsky
The Shepsky is a mix between a Siberian Husky and a German Shepherd. The result is an extremely loyal, protective pet who loves its family. Shepskies are very intelligent and easy to train, playfully energetic, and friendly towards other dogs. While they are more laid-back than most sled dogs, they still love to run!
The Huskimo
The Huskimo, also known as the Siberian Husky + Alaskan Malamute, is one of the most popular mixed-breed dogs in existence. If you’re considering getting a Husky and want to know what to expect from this mix before you commit to it, then read on!
The characteristics of a Huskimo are as follows:
- They are large dogs with strong muscles and bones. They can weigh anywhere between 40 lbs (18 kg) to 75 lbs (34 kg).
- Their coat can be any shade between white and brown. They usually have gray markings on their faces, paws, chest, and tail tip. In addition to these features, some Huskimos may even have black noses!
The Pitsky

The Pitsky is a mix between a Siberian Husky and a Pit Bull Terrier. The combination of these two breeds produces a high-energy, intelligent dog that is very loyal to its family. They are known for being active and playful but also protective of their property and family members. Because of this, it’s important to socialize your Pitsky from an early age to make sure they are friendly toward both people and other dogs (or any other pets in the household).
If you’re contemplating adding this breed to your home, here’s what you can expect:
- They have high energy levels throughout most of the day but will calm down after playing or running around outside for some time during the day. If left alone without adequate exercise or play time on a regular basis, then you may find yourself with an anxious dog who has pent-up energy that needs expressing!
- They love learning new things, so keep them stimulated by teaching them different tricks & rewarding them with treats!
The Huskydoodle
The Huskydoodle is a mixed-breed dog that is popularly used as a family pet. These dogs are generally friendly, playful, and good at learning tricks. They are also excellent for families with kids because of their friendly nature, which means that they’re typically not aggressive towards people or other animals.
The Labsky
The Labsky is a mixed breed that is the result of breeding a Siberian Husky with a Labrador retriever. This breed is occasionally referred to as a labroid, which is short for Labrador-Siberian hybrid. The Labsky is an intelligent and loyal dog who makes a great family pet. They are energetic and require regular exercise, but they are also calm enough to be good indoor dogs if you have the time to exercise them yourself or don’t live in an area where it’s convenient for them to go outside for long walks on their own.
The Corgsky
This is a mix between the Corgi and Husky. These dogs are found in North America, where they have become quite popular. They are small dogs with a height of only 10-13 inches, but their weight can range from 20 to 55 pounds. Their coats are usually black or white with tan markings on their legs and faces; however, there have been instances of corgskys with other coat colors as well. These dogs are known for being intelligent, active, and friendly towards all people, including children.
The Bernefie

The Bernefie is a mix between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Siberian Husky. They are medium-sized dogs with strong bones, well-formed muscle tone, and light or heavy coats that can be straight, wavy, or curly. Despite their appearance of being “big” dogs when they are puppies, they mature into more medium-sized animals weighing between 50 – 80 pounds (22 – 36 kg). Conversely, it is often said that they have big hearts!
Bernefies are loyal to their owners but not aggressive toward strangers, which makes them excellent family dogs. They are friendly toward children, but as with any dog, it’s important to watch out for any signs of aggression, so your little ones don’t get hurt during playtime.
How much does a Siberian Husky cost?
The purebred Husky price varies from breeder to breeder and depends on the age of the puppy. This is because there are different types of breeders who have different scopes for what they want to achieve and how much money they want to make. The price can range anywhere from 300$-2,000$. If you are looking at buying an adult Husky, then their prices range from 100$-1000$.
How big do Siberian Huskies get?
Siberian Huskies are medium-sized dogs, not small and certainly not large. The average Siberian Husky size stands 20 inches at the shoulder and weighs 40 pounds. Siberian Huskies are medium-sized dogs, so you should be prepared for that when you decide to bring one home.
How long do Siberian Husky dogs live?
Siberian Huskies are a medium-sized breed of working dogs. They typically live 12 to 14 years, although it is possible for them to go as long as 18 years old. They are very active and energetic dogs who need at least an hour of exercise per day. These dogs are also very loyal, intelligent, and protective of their family members. Because they are so protective, Siberian Huskies should never be left alone with small children or other animals if there is any danger that they may bite someone out of fear or defense.
A Siberian Husky’s love for human companionship makes them great family pets because they will spend time playing with children while also being affectionate toward everyone in the household, including visitors who come over regularly like friends or family members visiting from out-of-town!
Do Siberian Huskies shed?
Yes, Siberian Huskies do shed. The time of year they shed varies by individual dog and region, but most Huskies will have a general shedding cycle that is seasonal. They may be heavier in the spring, fall, or summer, depending on location and climate.
Like many breeds with double coats, Siberian Huskies tend to shed their undercoat once a year between late winter and early spring (or sometimes even mid-summer). This type of shedding occurs all at once for about two weeks straight before gradually tapering off into normal hair loss over several months as their new coat grows in during the summer months.
What is the dissimilarity between a Husky and a wolf?
The main difference between wolves and Huskies is that they are not related. Wolves are members of the Canidae family, while Huskies are domesticated dog breeds that have been bred for certain characteristics over time. Some people believe that you can tell if an animal is wild or domesticated by looking at its eyes. However, there’s no scientific proof to support this belief (except maybe with wolves). In fact, many wild animals have round pupils, which means they’re not always easy to identify as such!
What is the difference between a Husky and a malamute?
This question gets asked frequently because both dogs look very similar. They’re all fluffy white dogs with brown eyes who weigh about 50 pounds on average!
However, there are some fundamental differences between these two breeds that set them apart from each other. Malamutes were developed in Alaska primarily as sled dogs for transporting cargo across snow-covered terrain. In contrast, Huskies were bred solely as companions and guard dogs in Siberia, where most of their history took place (and still takes place today).
Malamutes tend to be larger than Huskies, too, because their ancestors were originally Siberian wolves who could grow up to 120 pounds when fully grown. That’s 15 times heavier than most modern-day Huskys!
Dogs are an incredibly affectionate and social species, and Huskies, in particular, thrive on attention. This can lead to hyperactivity that manifests as excessive barking, howling, and bouncing about in apparently joyous abandon.
If you’ve already decided on a Siberian Husky, don’t forget to do your research and to ask the shelter or rescue group plenty of questions. You’ll also want to stay in regular contact with them, as they can provide updates on any Huskies that might be a good fit for your lifestyle.
Hopefully, this article has given you some good ideas about what you should know about Huskies, so you’re prepared for whatever may come your way in the years to come.