Do you have a Siberian husky that likes to bite your hands? If so, you’re not alone. It is a common challenge with this breed of dog. Maybe you question yourself, “why does my husky bite my hands” a lot. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why husky bites hands and offer some solutions to help stop this behavior.
The Biting Behavior of Husky

While being an owner of a husky, you may have noticed that they like to put their mouths on things. It is due to their natural instincts. In the wild, huskies would use their mouths to carry things or move them around.
Now that they are domesticated, they may still try to do this with your hands. Unfortunately, this can result in some bites. The bite may not be hard enough to break the skin, but it can still hurt.
The very least you can do is try to divert this behavior in a more positive direction. Moreover, husky puppy biting is a normal part of the play. Young puppy uses mouths to explore the world around them. They may not know their own strength and accidentally bite too hard.
You can discourage this mouthing behavior by teaching your puppy how to be gentle with its mouth.
Reasons Why Huskies Bite

The various explanations for why it would have acted in such a manner are sure to appear with some hints. These dog behavior problems are causing concern among first-time owners. We’ll go over a couple of the possible explanations below:
☞To Get Attention
Your husky may be biting your hands to have your attention. It is especially true if you have been ignoring them. Huskies are pack animals that thrive on the companionship of their owners and require constant attention.
If you have been busy and not paying attention to your dog, they may try to catch your focus by biting your hand. The easiest way to solve this behavior is to pay close attention to your husky. Spend time playing with them daily and give them plenty of belly rubs. This way, they will know they are loved and don’t need to resort to biting to get your attention.
Boredom is another common reason why dog bites. If your dog is not getting enough exercise, it may become bored. It can lead your husky to act out in various ways, including biting. It is especially true if they are left alone for long periods with nothing to do. Dogs need mental and physical stimulation to be happy.
If a husky is bored, they may try to entertain themselves by chewing your hands. It is not the ideal solution, but it’s better than them getting into trouble. An excellent way to solve this issue is to ensure your husky has plenty of toys to play with and a safe place to run around. This way, they will have something to do when you’re not around.
☞To Show Dominance
Showing dominance is another potential reason why husky bites hands. It is significantly more prevalent in male dogs but can also happen with females. If your dog perceives you as weaker than them, they may try to assert their dominance by biting your hand.
When a husky is acting aggressively, you may need to put them in its place. The simplest way to address this is to be firm and demonstrate that you are the alpha. It doesn’t mean being abusive, but you should make it clear that you are in charge.
In the case of husky puppy bites, teething is often the reason. Puppies go through a teething period during which their teeth grow. It may be painful for them, and they may try to relieve the pain by biting on things.
If your puppy is going through this stage, give them something to chew on to help reduce the pain. It can be a chew toy or a rawhide bone. You should also avoid putting your hands in their mouth as this will only worsen the problem.
☞Playing Too Roughly
Huskies are known for being rough players. Even though they don’t aim to hurt you, their bites can be painful. For them, it’s all part of the game. You must set some rules if you don’t want to be bitten.
Make it clear to your husky that biting is not allowed. It is possible to accomplish this by firmly telling “no” and demonstrating what it should be doing instead. For example, you could offer a tug toy to play with if it bites your hand. If it continues to bite, you may need to put it in time-out.
Your husky may be excited and bite your hand since they are happy to see you. It is usually a common scenario when you first come home from work or school. They are so happy to see you that they can’t help but jump up and bite your hands.
It is not a bad thing, but it can be painful. The best way to solve this issue is to train your husky to “sit” and “stay.” This way, they will know they need to wait until you permit them to jump up.
Solutions to Stop Husky Biting

Once you know why your husky is biting your hands, you can start to work on fixing the issue. Some common solutions include:
✔️Train Them Not to Bite
Most behavioral problems exhibited by huskies are amenable to correction with appropriate dog training. Training a husky not to bite is no different. You need to be consistent with this and ensure everyone in the family is on board.
You might begin by teaching them the command “leave it.” It will come in handy in many situations, not just the biting behavior. Once they know this command, you can use it when they start to bite your hand. Furthermore, you can use positive reinforcement to train them not to bite. It means rewarding them when they don’t bite and ignoring the aggressive behavior.
✔️Provide Toys and Chew Bones
As mentioned before, boredom can lead to biting. To prevent this, you should ensure your husky has plenty of toys to play with. Chew bones are also a good option as they can help relieve the pain of teething.
Make sure you provide them with these things regularly. Rotating their toys is also good, so they don’t get bored. This way, they will always have something new to play with.
✔️Create a Safe Space
Everyone in the family needs a safe space where they can go to get away from the husky. It could be a room in which the dog is not allowed or a crate. This way, if the dog starts to bite or act aggressively, you can put them in their safe space.
It is especially important for children as they are likelier to get hurt by a biting husky. By having a safe space, you can prevent them from getting hurt. Sometimes, it takes a bit of time-out for the dog to calm down.
✔️Socialize Them More Often
Socialization is vital for huskies. They can get anxious and stressed if they are not properly socialized. It is more challenging to socialize with an adult husky, but it is still possible. Start at an early age, socializing with other people and animals.
Take them to the dog park or on walks around the neighborhood. The more they are around other creatures, the less likely they are to bite out of fear. Huskies lacking socialization may struggle to cope with stressful conditions. It is always best to start socializing early, but it’s never too late.
✔️Redirect Their Energy
Huskies are full of energy, and it needs to be released somehow. They may start to bite if they don’t have an outlet for their energy. The best way to redirect this energy is through exercise.
Exercise them for at least an hour a day. You may set up an obstacle course in your backyard if you have the space.
Aside from physical activity, you can also redirect their energy through mental stimulation. You can teach dogs tricks or provide them with puzzles. Huskies are very clever dogs who require mental stimulation.
✔️Ignore the Behavior
One of the best ways to stop a husky from biting is to ignore the bad behavior. It means not reacting at all when they bite your hand. Huskies are very intelligent and quickly learn that certain behaviors get a reaction.
If you scream or push them away when they bite, they will think it’s a game. However, your husky will eventually stop if you ignore the unwanted behavior. The husky understands that its biting isn’t producing the desired result.
Things to Consider When Training Your Husky
When training your dog, a few things must be kept in mind.
- Be patient: Dogs are not humans, and they will not understand everything right away. It takes time to train them properly, so be patient and consistent.
- Make sure everyone in the family is on the same page: If everyone is not following the same rules, it will be confusing for the dog. They will get mixed signals and won’t know what to do.
- Don’t use physical force: You should never hit or yell at your dog. It will simply make them fearful of you and may aggravate the biting. Instead, use positive reinforcement to train them.
- Consider the age of your Husky: Puppies are more likely to bite due to teething. Older dogs may bite out of boredom or anxiety. Keep this in mind when you are training them.
- Watch out for triggers: If you know what triggers the biting, try to avoid those situations. For example, if your husky bites when they are excited, don’t make a big fuss when you come home.
Frequently Asked Question
Q. How old do Huskies stop biting?
Huskies usually stop biting around the age of six months. It is when they have completed their teething period. However, some dogs may continue to bite even after this point. If this is the case, you must teach them not to bite. Training should start as soon as possible to prevent bad habits from forming.
Q. What causes huskies to bite themselves?
Huskies may bite themselves for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is boredom. They may begin to bite themselves out of boredom if they lack attention or stimulation. Another possibility is that they have fleas or other parasites in its body. It can cause them to itch and bite themselves to eliminate the pests. If a husky is biting itself, you should take them to the vet to rule out any medical conditions.
Q. How do I get my husky to stop biting me when I pet him?
Huskies may bite when you pet them for a few different reasons. The most common reason is they are overstimulated. It means they enjoy the petting, but it’s too much for them. When they are in discomfort, they may also bite. You can also try to pet him differently to see if that helps. For example, you could try petting him with a light touch instead of a firm one.
Furthermore, areas in a dog’s body are more sensitive than others. It may be more likely to bite if you pet them in these areas. You should avoid these areas or pet them very gently.
Q. How to tell the difference between playful biting and aggressive biting?
Playful biting is soft, and the dog will have a relaxed body. Aggressive biting is more force, and the dog’s body will be tense. If you are unsure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and assume it’s aggressive.
Q. How do Huskies express their affection?
Huskies express their affection in different ways. Some may jump up and put their paws on you, while others lean against you. Some may even try to give you kisses. Each dog is different, so you must get to know your husky’s quirks.
Q. My husky bite me when I try to put the harness on. What should I do?
If your husky bites you when you try to put the harness on, there are a few things you can do. First, ensure you are not putting it on too tight. If it’s too tight, it will be uncomfortable for them, and they may bite out of frustration. Another thing you can do is give them a treat when you put the harness on. It will help them associate the harness with something positive. Finally, you can try putting the harness on while they are distracted by something else. For example, you could give them a treat or toy to hold while you put the harness on.
Final Thoughts
Huskies are beautiful, loyal, and intelligent dogs. However, they can also be stubborn and mischievous. If you are considering getting a husky, prepare yourself for the challenges of owning one. One of these challenges is their biting. Huskies may bite for various reasons, but there are also several solutions. With patience and training, you can teach your husky not to bite.