Siberian Huskies are beautiful dogs but can be unpredictable around small animals. Many people adopt a Husky without knowing how to properly train and socialize them, leading to attacks on other pets. In this article, we will answer the question, “why does my Husky attack small dogs” and provide tips on preventing aggression.
The Huskies Temperament

Huskies are working dogs with a strong pack mentality. They are loyal to their family but can be aggressive towards strangers and other animals. Huskies are also very active and require a lot of physical activity. Without proper outlets for their energy, they may become frustrated and lash out.
Huskies were bred as working dogs in Siberia. They pulled sleds and hunted for food. In many regions of the world, huskies are still popularly used as working dogs, but they have also become popular pets. Many people adopt Huskies without knowing anything about their temperament or exercise needs. As a result, some Huskies end up in shelters or with families who can’t handle them.
Possible Reasons for Aggression

You are a new husky owner; you may wonder why your Husky is attacking small dogs. There could be various causes for this behavior:
Lack of Socialization
Socializing your Husky is one of the most important things you can do to prevent them from attacking small dogs. Your Husky may become fearful or anxious around other animals without proper socialization. Many Huskies not adequately socialized with animals of a lesser size are more likely to attack them. This situation can often lead to a Husky feeling threatened and attacking in self-defense.
You must introduce your Husky to as many animals as possible, including small dogs. The best way to socialize your Husky is to take them to a dog park or doggy daycare. It will allow them to meet and play with other animals in a safe environment. When introducing your Husky to a new animal, always do so gradually and in a controlled setting. It will help your Husky feel comfortable and prevent any aggressive incidents.
Strong Prey Drive
Husky tend to be aggressive to small animals because they were bred to work in a pack. In the wild, Huskies would hunt together and kill their prey. There is evidence that domesticated Huskies retain their ancestors’ natural urge to hunt in packs. When a Husky sees a small animal, it may instinctively want to chase and catch it.
Although it is natural for Huskies to have a strong prey drive, this behavior can be dangerous. When a Husky chases a smaller animal, it can easily injure or kill the animal. Providing outlets for this energy is essential if you have a Husky with a high prey drive. You should avoid leaving your Husky alone with small animals. Even if you have spent a lot of time training your Husky, there is still a chance that they will want to chase after it and catch it if they get the chance.
Dominance Aggression
Huskies may also become aggressive if they feel like they are the alpha dog in the pack. It is known as dominance aggression. When a Husky feels like they are in charge, they may act out aggressively. This pattern of behavior is quite common in Huskies that have not been adequately socialized or trained.
Huskies are also territorial animals. If they believe that their territory is in danger, this could provoke aggressive behavior from them. This behavior is common when a Husky perceives another animal as a threat.
It is important to remember that dog aggression is not a normal part of a Husky’s temperament. While some situations may trigger aggression, it is not an inherent behavior. With proper training and socialization, most Huskies will never become aggressive.
When a Husky becomes possessive of their food, toys, or other belongings, they may tend to attack other animals. It is a common behavior found in young dogs that have not properly socialized. As Huskies grow older, they should learn to share their belongings with other animals.
You can prevent possessiveness by teaching your Husky to “drop it” or “leave it” command. It will help them understand that they do not need to be aggressive to keep their belongings. If your Husky is possessive toward its food, you may need to feed them in a separate room or crate. It will help prevent any food aggression from developing.
High Energy Levels
Huskies are a high-energy dog breed. They are used to pull sleds all day long. This high energy level can sometimes lead to Huskies becoming hyperactive or destructive. When this happens, they may start acting out aggressively.
The best way to deal with a high-energy Husky is to provide enough physical activity. It will burn off some excess energy and prevent them from acting out. You should also avoid leaving your Husky alone for long periods. It can result in boredom and frustration, which can trigger aggression.
Sensitivity to Touch
Huskies are very sensitive dogs. They have a very high pain threshold. It means they can tolerate a lot of pain before showing any discomfort. However, this also means that Huskies are very sensitive to touch.
If a small dog tries to play too rough with a Husky, the Husky may tend to attack. It is because they are not used to being touched so roughly. It is vital to socialize your Husky from a young age so that they can get used to being handled.
Signs of Aggression in Huskies
You should be aware of several signs if you think your Husky may be becoming aggressive to other animals. Watch out for these signs:
- Growling: If you hear your Husky growling, it’s important to take notice. Growling is somehow dogs communicate that they are feeling threatened or uncomfortable. The sound of a growl can also be a warning to other animals that the Husky is feeling aggressive.
- Baring Teeth: If you see your Husky baring its teeth, it’s best to back off and give them some space. It signifies that the Husky feels threatened and does not want to be bothered. The sound of teeth snapping can also be a warning to other animals.
- Lunging: If your Husky starts lunging at other animals, it’s important to intervene immediately. It is a sign that the Husky may attack. You will know its lunging when they take a step or two toward the animal with their body low to the ground.
- Snapping: When we say snapping, it is different than lunging. Snapping is when the Husky quickly moves its head toward another animal with its mouth open. It can be a warning sign that the Husky may bite or attack. It’s important never to put your face or other animal’s face close to a Husky’s mouth, even if they do not display any anger signals.
- Barking: Huskies are known for being very vocal dogs. They often bark when they are excited, happy, or feeling threatened. If you hear your Husky barking aggressively towards another animal, removing the animal from the situation is important.
- Body Language: You can usually tell when a Husky is feeling aggressive by their body language. It will raise its hackles, the hairs on its back, and its tail will be held high. They may also have a stiff posture and flatten their ears against their head. If you see any of these signs, giving the Husky some space and removing any other animals from the area is important.
Tips to Help Husky Avoid Attacking Small Dogs

Though it is instinctive for Huskies to attack small dogs, there are some things you can do to help prevent this behavior. Here are some helpful tips:
Be Aware of Your Husky Body Language
Huskies communicate through their body language. If you see your Husky stiffen up, growl, or bare their teeth, this is a sign that they are feeling aggressive. If you see these signs, remove your Husky from the situation immediately. It will help prevent any aggression from escalating.
Socialize Your Husky Early and Often
It is critical to begin exposing your Husky to other people and animals at an early age. It will help them learn how to interact with other animals. You should take your Husky to the dog park, walk, and attend obedience classes. The more time they spend around other animals, the lower the risk that they may develop an aggressive personality.
Provide Outlets for Their Energy
As mentioned before, Huskies have a lot of energy. It is essential to provide outlets for this energy so they do not become destructive or aggressive. You can provide outlets for their energy by taking them on long walks, runs, or hikes. You may also enroll them in an obedience or agility class. Additionally, it would be helpful if you offered them plenty of toys to play with.
Do Not Leave Your Husky Alone With Small Dogs
It is important to never leave your Husky alone with a small dog. It is because Huskies can become aggressive when they are bored or frustrated. If you must leave your Husky alone with a small dog, make sure someone is watching over the area and that there is plenty of space for the two dogs to move around.
Monitor Their Interactions With Other Animals
You should always monitor your Husky’s interactions with other animals. It will help you see signs of aggression early on and prevent any fights from happening. If you notice your Husky getting too rough with another animal, remove them from the situation immediately.
Leash Train Your Husky
Leash training your Husky is a great way to prevent being blindsided by their aggressiveness. It will allow you to control your Husky and prevent them from getting too close to small dogs. Moreover, this is the safest way to introduce your Husky to smaller animals.
Redirect Their Attention
If you see your Husky getting too excited or aggressive around a small dog, try redirecting their attention. It can be accomplished by either calling the dog’s name or interacting with it in another way, such as by giving it a treat or playing with it. By redirecting their attention, you will help prevent any aggression from occurring.
Obedience Training
Training Huskies in obedience is one of the most effective strategies to keep them from behaving aggressively. It will teach your Husky to listen to you and follow your commands. It is vital to start obedience training at a young age so that they can learn how to behave around other animals.
Keep Their Minds Stimulated
Huskies are very intelligent dogs. As such, they need to be kept mentally stimulated. You can do this by giving them interactive dog toys, food puzzles, and other types of puzzle toys for dogs. By keeping their minds stimulated, you will help prevent them from becoming bored or frustrated.
Training Husky to Get Along With Small Dogs

It is possible to socialize huskies with other types of animal companions through training. The process is similar to socializing with your Husky. Though this may take some time and patience, training your Husky to be around small dogs is possible.
Start With Walking With Leash
When first introducing your Husky to a small dog, it is important to start with walking on a leash. It will allow you to control your Husky and prevent them from getting too close to the small dog. The leash will also help to keep the small dog safe.
Introduce Them in a Neutral Location
When introducing your Husky to a small dog, a neutral meeting location is important. It is because it will help to prevent any territorial aggression from occurring. A neutral location could be a park or an open area.
Bring Them to the Dog Park
When introducing your Husky to small dogs, it is important to do so in a controlled environment. The dog park is a wonderful location to get things rolling as there will be many different types and sizes of dogs. It will allow your Husky to get used to being around small dogs without feeling overwhelmed. You can also take them on strolls around the neighborhood where you live. It will help them get used to small dogs’ sights and smells without being close to them.
Start With Short Periods
The first time you introduce your Husky to a tiny dog, it is important to do so for a short period. It will assist them in becoming accustomed to new situations without feeling anxious. Once they are comfortable being around each other, you can gradually increase the amount of time they spend together.
Create a Positive Association
Positive reinforcement is key when introducing your Husky to a small dog. When they are around the tiny dog, give them treats and praise them for good behavior. It will help create a positive association between the two animals. Avoid scolding or punishing your Husky when they don’t behave well. It will make your husky resentful and could cause them to become aggressive.
Allow Them to Sniff Each Other
Sniffing is a natural way for dogs to get to know each other. It will help them become familiar with each other’s scents and get them used to being around each other. It is important to let them sniff each other on their own terms and not to force the interaction.
Allow Them to Meet in the Home
Once your Husky is comfortable being around the small dog in a controlled environment, you can slowly begin introducing them in your home. It should be done slowly and under supervision. Start by having the small dog enter the room while your Husky is on a leash. Then, after a little interaction, let them sniff each other and get to know one another. If everything goes as planned, you can gradually extend the time they spend together. With patience and positive reinforcement, your Husky will learn to accept the small dog as a part of the family.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can an old husky be taught new tricks?
Yes, huskies can be taught new tricks at any age. It may take a little longer for an older husky to learn, but it is still possible. However, training as early as possible is better to ensure the best results. Husky puppies are especially easy to train and can quickly learn new tricks.
Q. How can I determine if my Husky is getting too much exercise?
We always say that exercise is good for dogs, but there is such thing as too much exercise. If your Husky is showing signs of fatigue or not enjoying their exercise routine, they may be getting too much exercise. Finding a balanced routine that is agreeable to you and your Husky is important. Over-exercising can be dangerous for huskies and lead to injury and other health problems.
Q. What can I do to prevent my Siberian Husky from pulling on the leash?
One way to stop your Husky from pulling on the leash is to use a harness instead of a collar. It will provide more control and prevent your Husky from choking themselves when pulling. Another way to stop your Husky from pulling is to use a no-pull leash. This type of leash attaches to your husky’s chest and will prevent them from pulling you along. Finally, you can try using a headcollar. This piece of equipment goes over your Husky’s head and muzzle. It provides gentle control and can effectively stop your Husky from pulling on the leash.
Q. Why is it that my Husky dislikes dogs?
There could be some reasons why your Husky dislikes dogs. It could be because they have not correctly socialized, or it could be that they’ve had a bad experience in the past. Maybe they were attacked by another dog, or they just don’t like how other dogs smell. Whatever the reason, it’s important to try and socialize your Husky as much as possible. With patience and positive reinforcement, you may be able to help your Husky overcome their fear of other dogs.
Q. What dog breeds pairs best with a husky?
Several dog breeds can pair well with a husky. Some good choices include the Labrador retriever, golden retriever, and the German shepherd. These breeds are all similar in size and energy level to the husky, so they make good companions. They also tend to be very friendly and social, which can help your husky to feel more comfortable around other dogs. Whatever breed you choose, it’s important to ensure they are compatible with your Husky’s personality and energy level. Otherwise, they may not get along well.
Q. Is it possible for a husky to attack its owner?
Huskies are generally very gentle and loving dogs. However, any dog can attack if they feel threatened or scared. It’s important to never put your husky in a situation where they feel like they need to attack to protect themselves. If you’re ever concerned that your husky might attack, it’s best to consult a professional trainer or behaviorist. They can help you assess the situation and devise a plan to keep everyone safe.
Final Thoughts
Huskies are friendly and loving dogs, but they can sometimes be aggressive towards small dogs. It is usually due to a lack of socialization or a bad experience in the past. However, with patience and positive reinforcement, you can help your Husky to overcome its fear of other dogs. Always consult a professional if you’re ever concerned about your Husky’s behavior.
Do you have a husky that’s been acting aggressively towards small dogs? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!