Why Does My Husky Stink? 8 Reasons & Solutions!

Why does my Husky stink? Without proper grooming, this doggo will become dirty and smelly. Aside from poor grooming, there are other possible reasons behind the bad odor emanating from your canine’s body.

No one wants a smelly Husky, especially since the doggo loves lying down on couches, rolling on the floor, and exploring the house. If you don’t get hold of the bad smell, it may cling and spread throughout your home.

Overall, the bad smell on your Husky is easy to fix. But for you to do that, you have to understand what caused it in the first place.

Below, we discussed this together with solutions to help your nose break free from the unpleasant smell.

Why does my Husky stink?

Is your Husky giving your nose a hard time? If so, the following might be the reasons why:

1.    Dirty coat

why does my Husky stink

The most common reason why Huskies smell is their dirty coat. Your dog probably rolled in animal poop outdoors or took a plunge in a nasty puddle of water. Due to their thick and fluffy coat, Huskies will easily attract dirt on their fur.

As the dirt clings to your Husky’s coat, it will harbor bacteria. This will allow bacteria will then emit gasses, which is the source of the stench.

Remember that Huskies are adventurous dogs. If you don’t clean them well, they can easily get dirty and smelly.

Aside from that, Huskies are notorious dumpster divers. If you leave them unattended around open trash cans, these snow dogs will turn into garbage pandas.

The worst part is that this nasty smell will get worse as your Husky sheds more dander and dead hair. If you don’t groom it right away, you’ll have a stinky dog inside your house.

2.    Trapped moisture

Trapped moisture is another culprit why your Husky smells. This can happen even if the moisture came from its bath or somewhere else.

Once a Husky gets exposed to water, the moisture will settle deep into its undercoat. The undercoat is a dense layer of short fur that keeps the canine warm during cold days. And since it’s dense and covered by the top coat, it won’t allow moisture to dry properly. In turn, the moisture will be trapped and will start to harbor bacteria.

Worse, the trapped moisture may cause matting, which will aggravate the smell and hurt your dog’s skin.

The fact that Huskies like soaking in just about any water doesn’t help this problem. So if you’re letting your dog roam the yard unsupervised, you shouldn’t be surprised if it will come home with the signature wet dog smell.

While natural air drying works for Huskies, owners are advised to use hair dryers to ensure that no moisture is left under its coat.

3.    Skin infections

If you’ve ruled out the first two reasons, the next thing you should check is the possibility of skin infections. Huskies are notorious for skin problems, so this is something you should consider if the canine starts having a bad smell despite regular baths.

Take note that skin infections in Huskies can have an intolerable smell. The longer it’s left untreated, the stronger the odor will be.

The following are some of the most common skin infections that your Husky may suffer from, which will cause a bad smell:

  • Allergic dermatitis. This condition is often triggered by external irritants like food, grooming products, and environmental elements. Each Husky may have unique reactions to such elements that’s why some may have allergies while others won’t. Moreover, this condition is characterized by itchy rashes that can become inflamed and infected.
  • Folliculitis. This bacterial infection will result in bumps, sores, and scabs on your Husky’s skin. While this is more common on short-haired dogs, your Husky can still contract it. If not treated, folliculitis will worse and develop a bad smell.
  • Seborrhea. This skin condition makes a dog’s skin scaly and greasy. In the process, this will cause dandruff and a bad smell. Take note that this can be a complication of another problem, so make sure that you get your pet checked.
  • Skin parasites. Ticks, fleas, and mites will all wreak havoc on your dog’s skin. Aside from causing a bad smell, skin parasites can also trigger a slew of other infections. This will make your Husky’s coat patchy, irritated, and unhealthy.

Take note that these are just some of the possible conditions that may cause the stinky smell of your Husky. If you suspect another condition, don’t hesitate to consult your dog’s veterinarian.

4.    Yeast infection

why does my Husky stink

Yeast infection is one of the most common problems in dogs. It can make your Husky’s skin inflamed, though it can also affect the canine’s paw pads, ears, and other parts of the body.

Aside from that, a yeast infection will emit a scent. Pet owners describe the odor as cheesy or musty.

Take note that if your Husky’s yeast infection isn’t treated, it can lead to serious hair loss. It will also impact the canine’s skin texture and color.

If the yeast infection occurs on the ears, you may notice your Husky tilting its head excessively. It will also shake its head and scratch incessantly, which will make the condition much worse.

As with any topical problem in dogs, these conditions will not go away unless treated. It’s still best to consult your Husky’s veterinarian to get the right advice and proper treatment. 

5.    Ear infection

An ear infection isn’t just irritating for your Husky, it can also be a source of a stinky smell.

Usually, canine ear infections are caused by mites, fungus, yeast infection, or a combination of these. As the infection progresses, your Husky will grow uncomfortable. It will start to scratch the affected ear to soothe the itchiness.

However, by doing so, your Husky will make its ears more inflamed. Soon enough, your doggo may develop larger scabs and wounds on its ears, which are another pathway for infections. Also, if these infections aren’t treated, they will start to form a bad odor.

Take note that ear infections in dogs can be of three types: externa, media, and interna. This pertains to the part of the ear that’s affected. For the most part, otitis interna is the hardest to treat since the infection happens in the innermost part of the Husky’s ear.

The good thing is that ear infections are easy to prevent. With early veterinary intervention, it will be easy to treat as well.

6.    Dental problems

Another thing you have to check is your Husky’s mouth. It’s possible that the stinky smell is coming from rotting teeth, sore gums, and other dental problems.

Like humans, Huskies need regular teeth cleaning to prevent infections and bad breath. If you haven’t tried brushing your dog’s teeth, don’t be surprised if you’ll discover multiple rotting teeth and even a full-blown gum infection.

Aside from tooth and gum problems, bad breath in dogs can also be triggered by kidney problems. Canines with kidney failure often have a metallic odor to their breath, which may come across as stinky.

Also, the consumption of strong-smelling food will aggravate the nasty smell of your dog’s breath. It’s because food bits can get stuck between its teeth and decay.

If the bad smell from your Husky’s mouth lingers, it’s best to rule out stomach issues. The vet is the best person to contact here to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of your dog.

7.    Unexpressed anal glands

Does your Husky have a fishy smell that doesn’t go away? If its coat is fine, you have to check its anal glands.

Anal glands are two sacs that plank the anus. Canines use these as marking glands and a way for fellow dogs to identify them.

However, as your Husky defecates, fecal material can get stuck inside. Also, the sac itself releases a smelly oil as your dog poops.

If not expressed or squeezed, the anal sacs will harbor the nastiest smell in your dog’s body. And mind you, the smell can turn your stomach.

This is the reason why pet owners usually ask a professional groomer to express their Huskies’ anal glands. It’s a gross process that professional groomers have mastered over the years. 

Overall, a Husky’s anal sacs must be expressed once after several months. But some canines may need to have anal gland expression more frequently. Basically, if your doggo’s bum start smelling, it’s a sign that you need to take it to a groomer.

8.    Animal sprays

Lastly, your Husky’s bad smell might be due to an animal spray.

Huskies are very curious dogs and they may try to befriend a skunk outdoors. Unfortunately, the interaction will not be mutual as the skunk will likely spray your dog with its smelly spray.

Take note that a skunk’s spray has a rotten odor, which clings to dogs’ fur. It’s important to give your Husky a bath right away to remove the odor and prevent it from spreading in your home.

Overall, skunks won’t spray their deadly odor unless they feel threatened. And since Huskies are notorious predators, they will likely chase after these stinky animals.

Aside from that, skunk sprays can be deadly for Huskies if ingested by mouth. Experts say that the spray has elements similar to those found on garlic and onion, which are toxic to canines. If your Husky starts vomiting or having diarrhea after a brush with a skunk, you should bring it to the vet immediately.

How to remove bad smell from your Husky

A bad dog smell doesn’t have to ruin your home. Instead of letting your Husky stink, you should do the following instead.

1.    Bathe your Husky regularly

Bathing your Husky is the best way to remove the worst smells on its body. Most pet owners will schedule a once-a-month bath, especially for indoor canines.

Make sure that you use the best dog shampoo to remove the bad odor. Oatmeal-based dog shampoo products are a good choice as it’s effective in neutralizing odors and soothing the skin. So if your Husky is suffering from skin infections, an oatmeal shampoo will be hitting two birds with one stone.

When bathing a Husky, you have to massage the shampoo into its coat vigorously. This way, the formula will reach the skin and clean the coat thoroughly. It’s also best to leave the shampoo on for a few minutes to allow the ingredients to soak well.

After that, make sure that you rinse your Husky’s coat well. Keep running water out of its body if you’re still feeling a slimy or sudsy touch. 

2.    Consider dry shampoo

In between full baths, you can use dry shampoo to keep your Husky clean and odor-free. Basically, dry shampoo can be used without rinsing the dog’s coat with water. It helps a lot in cleaning a canine’s coat by removing superficial dirt and neutralizing odors.

However, you should remember that dry shampoo for canines is only supplemental and shouldn’t be considered the main grooming solution. Aside from that, dry shampoo should only be used up to three consecutive times. After that, your Husky will need a full bath.

Using dry shampoo too often without actual baths can cause matting and even a bad odor as the formula accumulates on the Husky’s coat.

Lastly, when buying dry shampoo for your dog, make sure that it’s made specifically for canines. Always remember that you should never use grooming products on your dog if it’s made for humans. The ingredients on these products are toxic and will do more harm than help.

3.    Brush its coat regularly

Brushing your Husky’s coat regularly will also help reduce the formation of bad odors. This will remove superficial dirt like dust, pollens, soil, and so on before it gets deeper into your pet’s coat.

Aside from that, regular brushing of your Husky’s coat will prevent matting. This is crucial, especially for this breed with thick and double coats.

Moreover, the habit of brushing your dog will allow you to see any unusual changes in your pet’s skin. This is a great way to diagnose skin infections before it becomes a big problem.

For the best results, you should use a slicker brush for your dog. This suits a Husky’s coat type and can help remove tangles, mats, and dirt.

During your Husky’s heavy shedding season, you should use a deshedding tool or more known for the brand Furminator. This will help remove all loose fur, so it won’t scatter around the house or harbor a nasty smell.

4.    Observe proper dental hygiene

It’s crucial to observe proper dental hygiene on your Husky to prevent any nasty smell from emanating from its mouth. Regular tooth brushing is crucial to prevent food bits from decaying between the canine’s teeth and causing a foul odor.

As much as possible, you should brush your Husky’s teeth at least once a week. You need to use toothpaste made specifically for dogs. Take note that human toothpaste is dangerous since it contains xylitol, a chemical that’s highly dangerous to canines even in small amounts.

If you can, daily brushing will benefit your dog a lot. This way, plaque won’t build up and you can see whether there are changes in your pet’s mouth that could indicate a problem.

Aside from that, you should take your dog to the vet at least once a year for a routine dental check. This way, the veterinarian can see whether your pet has signs of problems before it becomes worse.

5.    Wipe your Husky’s paws

After each walk or outdoor trip, you should wipe your Husky’s paws before entering the house. This way, dirt, and other smelly substance won’t spread in your home and the canine’s coat.

If possible, you should consider putting dog booties on your Husky. Aside from keeping its paws clean, it will also prevent burns during summer.

Take note that dogs can also have a yeast infection in their paws, which will emit a smell similar to corn chips. This is called ‘Frito feet’ by many pet owners due to the similarity of the smell to the popular product.

Overall, Frito feet are completely harmless, but if you’re worried, you can always consult your pet’s veterinarian. You should also ensure that you wash your dog’s paws during baths to remove any deep-seated dirt between its toes and under its paw pads.

6.    Express its anal glands

Although it’s a gross process, it’s crucial to have your dog’s anal glands expressed. This is to remove the accumulation of smelly substances inside.

If you don’t have the guts to do it, you can always bring your Husky to a local pet groomer. They can express the anal glands properly to ensure that they won’t become the cause of bad odors.

Usually, this can be done quarterly, but if your Husky’s bottom gets really soiled, you may have to ask the groomer to do it monthly. It all depends on specific canines and how fast their anal glands get filled.

And while you’re at the groomer, ask to have your Husky’s coat on the rear to be trimmed. This way, poop won’t smear on it and leave a bad smell.

7.    Supervise your Husky outdoors

When taking your Husky outdoors, make sure that you keep an eye on it. These dogs are adventurous and they may get into stinky trouble when you’re not looking.

Aside from that, make sure that your garbage bins are covered and that your yard has a tall fence. That way, your pooch won’t dumpster dive or pursue a skunk it sees outside.

Moreover, Huskies must be leashed at all times in public places. Never underestimate the running capabilities of this breed, especially when they see something outside.

8.    Keep your dog dry

Huskies smell a lot when moisture is left sitting on their coats. With that, make sure that your doggo is bone-dry after each bath. It’s best that you use a dog dryer for optimal removal of moisture deep into your pet’s undercoat.

Overall, it’s not wise to simply rely on air drying if you have a Husky. Their coats may look dry on the surface, but there could lot of moisture hiding on their undercoat. When this happens, it would only be a matter of time before the stinky odor starts to waft.

Aside from drying after every bath, you should do the same when your Husky soaked on a nearby lake. And if your doggo played on the mud or any dirty water, you must bathe it right away. You wouldn’t want any of the nasty dirt sitting on your Husky’s coat for too long. 

9.    Consult the vet

Lastly, never skip on vet checks even if your Husky looks healthy. Many signs of skin infections, kidney problems, stomach issues, and similar conditions won’t surface until the situation is already worse. In that case, your dog has already developed a bad smell and other complications.

Annual checks are a bare minimum if you own a Husky. This way, your doggo will be examined for potential health problems and treated as early as possible.

Moreover, many pet owners shy away from vet checks due to the cost. While it’s true that vet visits cost a fee, it’s much smaller compared to the price of having serious conditions treated. In the end, you’re going to save more with routine checks, not to mention that you’re also doing your pet a big favor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do Huskies have an odor?

A: Huskies don’t really smell bad as long as they are maintained well. However, if you fail to bathe, brush, and groom the canine’s body, it will start to develop a bad smell. This is a big problem since Huskies are indoor dogs for the most part. If you don’t do anything about the bad smell, it could spread throughout your house, making your entire living space stinky.

Q: How often should Huskies take a bath?

A: Huskies are normally bathed once a month to maintain their coat. However, in some cases, you may need to bathe your Husky more frequently. It’s because this breed loves dipping in water, whether it’s clean or not. Your doggo may also roll in animal poop and other dirty surfaces.

Q: What’s the least smelly dog?

A: To be fair, all dogs will smell bad if you don’t groom them properly. Still, some breeds are less likely to develop a strong odor. Some of them are Bichon Frise, Maltese, Basenji, Havanese, and Doberman. It has something to do with the type of their coat and how much they are exposed to the outdoors.

Q: Are Huskies high-maintenance?

A: Huskies are high-maintenance pets. They need regular grooming to keep their double coats clean and odor-free. Aside from that, they require a lot of exercises to burn their excess energy. With this, Huskies suit owners with an active lifestyle, who can keep up with their needs.

Q: Can I use Febreze on my Husky?

A: You should never use products like Febreze on your dog. This is poisonous and can potentially put your Husky’s life at risk. Unless you want an emergency and expensive visit to the vet, you should only use grooming products that are made specifically for dogs.

Q: Why does my Husky smell after a bath?

A: If your Husky smells bad after a bath, you should check whether you dried its coat well or not. Also, you should consider switching to new dog shampoo. The current one you’re using may not be potent enough to neutralize odors and remove dirt.

Final words

Why does my Husky stink? This problem can be due to a dirty coat, skin infections, trapped moisture, dental problems, and more. When in doubt, you can always consult your dog’s veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Overall, proper grooming and veterinary attention can help fight off bad odors on your pet.

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