Wolves Vs. Huskies: How Are They Related?

You might be wondering how Huskies and wolves are related. Both of them look like dogs, and they both have a furry coats, but they come from different families. In this article, we will reveal how closely related the husky is to the family of wolves. This is very crucial to prevent any danger, such as jumping on an animal without knowing its original breed. Keep reading this article up to the end.


Even if a lot of people believe that wolves and huskies are pretty different, they do have some similarities. Take note of the following characteristics.

wolves vs huskies
Photo credits: Madison Oren

Coat color

Both the husky and the wolf have a double coat. The first layer is the undercoat, which is thick and dense for warmth. This layer of fur acts as an insulator against cold temperatures. The outer guard hair layer is longer and thicker than the undercoat on both species. This top coat protects them from rain, snow, sunburn, and insect bites.

Eye color

Some huskies and wolves have blue eyes, while others have black or brown eyes. Some have green eyes, yellow eyes, gold eyes, silver eyes, and red eyes.

Size similarities

Huskies and wolves are both medium-sized canines, but huskies tend to be smaller than their canine counterparts. Huskies usually weigh around 50-65 pounds, while wolves typically weigh between 70-110 pounds.


Both huskies and wolves are carnivores. Both wolves and dogs are omnivorous. Wolves, like huskies, will eat anything they can get their paws on (or, instead, mouth). They are opportunistic feeders who will eat both meat and vegetation depending on what is available at the time.

They also both scavenge for food when there is nothing else to hunt or catch in the wilds of Alaska. Wolves will often steal from other predators such as bears or coyotes who have killed their prey but have not yet finished eating it all up themselves.

Diet similarities aside, there is one significant difference between huskies and wolves: hunting style! Huskies are hunters, while wolves are predators.


Both wolves and huskies are intelligent, independent animals. They are pack-oriented and territorial but not social in the same sense as dogs. Wolves and huskies exhibit a high level of loyalty towards their pack members, but this does not extend to strangers unless training has been implemented by humans. In both cases, it is essential for owners to establish dominance over their pets from an early age so that they will be less aggressive when encountering other dogs or people outside of their control.


A husky is a type of wolf that originated in northern Asia. They are often compared to wolves, but they have unique characteristics that set them apart from other types of dogs.


The two species look quite different, with huskies having a much thicker coat than wolves. The heads of the two animals are also different in shape. While the broad head of a husky makes it look round and friendly, the narrow head of a wolf gives it a more serious appearance. Huskies have wider chests and shoulders than wolves, while wolves have longer legs relative to their bodies. 

On average, huskies are larger than wolves as well; this is why they tend to be bulkier than their sleek relatives. The tails of dogs like huskies are longer than those of wolves because these animals’ ancestors were bred for pulling sleds through snow.


Huskies are social animals and wolves are not. Huskies are pack animals, while wolves are not. Huskies have been domesticated more than wolves, so their behavior reflects this. You may be wondering why this matters. It doesn’t! But it’s interesting to learn about where your dog comes from, how it was domesticated (and what that means), and how that affects its behavior today.


Huskies are more aggressive than wolves. Wolves are very territorial and can become aggressive if they feel threatened in any way. Huskies, on the other hand, have been bred over many years to be friendly and sociable with people and other dogs. They tend to get along well with strangers and other animals as well. While both species will protect their territory from intruders, huskies are generally less likely to see a stranger as an intruder or threat than wolves do.

Huskies’ welcoming nature toward strangers is one of the reasons why they make such good therapy dogs for those who need companionship or comfort during difficult times.


Huskies are also more adaptable than wolves. They can adapt to many different climates, which helps them survive when humans move them around. This is one of the reasons why they are considered excellent companions in the Arctic and other cold-weather climates where they were bred.

In addition to being great companions, huskies make excellent guard dogs because they have a strong natural instinct to protect their family members from intruders or danger. A husky’s bark isn’t as loud as a German Shepherd’s bark, but it will still deter most would-be thieves from approaching your home if you live in an area where there is a lot of crime like Los Angeles or New York City for example!

If you have a husky and wondering how to help it adapt to a cold night, click here!


Siberian huskies are often associated with sledding, but they have been used for a variety of different purposes. So how are they related to wolves?

wolves vs huskies

History of huskies

It’s estimated that humans domesticated huskies roughly 3000 years ago. Since then, our canine companions have been used for a variety of purposes, including transportation and herding.

Siberian huskies were originally bred as sled dogs (hence their name) by the Chukchi people of Siberia. By the early 20th century, they had become popular in Alaska and Canada. However, because they were perceived as being too friendly towards wolves, there was a ban on importing them into both countries until 1973. 

Another history that has been recorded is that the Siberian husky is one of the oldest dog breeds, and they have been around since at least 1650. The breed was originally developed by the people who lived in Scandinavia and used them as sled dogs during wintertime so they could travel over snow more quickly than on foot.


Genetic studies have shown that the Siberian Husky is a direct descendent of wolves. It’s true! The friendly dog you love to a pet in your local park may be related to the vicious wolf that gives you nightmares. However, it’s important to note that there are no wolf dogs, or “wolf hybrids” as they are sometimes called. Wolves and huskies are separate species with different evolutionary histories and very different appearances, behaviors, personalities, and temperaments.

The Siberian Husky is part of the Canidae family of mammals (which includes all dogs). But it is considered its own breed because it has been bred for so long for specific traits such as endurance sledding ability or affectionate companionship with its human owners. The genetic differences between breeds make them distinct from one another, just like people would be categorized differently based on their race or gender. They’re still members of their own species but they look different than most other members within that group!

>>Connection rate

A husky’s genetic connections to the wolf are strong. As mentioned, huskies are part of the Canidae family, which also includes wolves, coyotes, and jackals. Their DNA is 37% similar to wolves’ DNA. In fact, they share more similarities with their close relatives than they do with dogs.

The connection between huskies and gray wolves can be seen in their appearance. They have a thick coat of fur that protects them from cold weather and large paws that help them walk on snow and ice. This makes sense because gray wolves live in cold climates! Huskies also have fewer undercoats than most other breeds of dogs. This means that it doesn’t take as much energy for them to stay warm during winter temperatures.


Wild animals are beautiful, powerful, and intelligent. They were put on this earth for us to learn from and enjoy. However, there are some wild animals whose behavior can be unpredictable, dangerous, or harmful. Learning how to recognize these animals and how to protect yourself if you come in contact with them can save your life!

You should never approach

Stay away from the animal. If you see a wolf or coyote, stay at least 100 yards away from it. Use binoculars or a spotting scope if possible to get a better view of the animal, but do not approach it or try to take photos.

If you are in a vehicle and see an animal that could be a wolf or husky or you are unsure:

  • Do not stop your vehicle.
  • If safe to do so, move slowly past the animal as quickly as possible and avoid eye contact with it.

Never attempt to feed

It is illegal to feed wild animals. Feeding wild animals can be harmful to them, the environment and humans. Never allow your dog to confront a wolf or alike. This may result in your dog being injured or killed and can draw you into the encounter, putting you at risk as well.

Feeding animals may seem like a harmless way to get closer to them, but it is actually illegal in many places. If you want to see wildlife and support their conservation efforts, consider volunteering at your local zoo or aquarium instead of feeding wild animals near your home.

Keep safe distance

Always keep your small children and pets at a safe distance from the animal. Keep all children and pets indoors when the animal is at large.

Don’t allow your other dog to go outside unsupervised or without a leash or harness. Also, don’t allow your dog to go outside without a muzzle if he’s not well-trained on how to walk nicely on his leash, especially around children and other dogs (muzzle training is an important part of any dog’s education). If you are having trouble with this behavior, consult with a professional trainer for advice on how best to proceed. It is often difficult for pet owners themselves to recognize their own pet’s behavioral problems because they are so close to them!

Never corner an animal

You shouldn’t corner a wild animal, or any domestic animal if you are unsure of the breed. At the same time, you shouldn’t corner yourself, not even your child. This behavior can be a source of threat and can lead to danger, especially if you are in the wilderness.


All puppies are born blind and deaf, but huskies can take up to four weeks before their eyes open. For the first three weeks, take extra care when handling your puppy so you don’t frighten him or cause injury. Since there are several breeds of dogs in this category, it’s important that you learn how to properly handle a husky before beginning any exercise routine.

Keep calm and be patient

Once you’ve gotten to know your husky, it’s important to understand that he or she is an intelligent and active animal. Your husky will need your attention and affection to thrive. He or she will be happiest when you provide plenty of opportunities for play and exercise, but can also usually enjoy quiet time cuddled up with you on the couch (or even better, in bed). Although huskies are known for their independence, they tend to get along well with other dogs. Provided, they’re raised together from puppyhood, as well as cats and children.

Let the dog take the lead

Huskies are a special breed, and they need to be treated with care. Huskies are not like other dogs in many ways. They’re stubborn and independent, and they need to run around a lot or else they’ll get into trouble. They also don’t like being held down or restrained very much. If you try to force them into something that doesn’t suit their personalities or interests, you’re likely to end up with an unhappy husky puppy on your hands.

If you want your husky puppy (or adult) to learn some new tricks, then it’s important not only that you reward them when they do well but also that whenever possible, let them lead the way on their own terms. Even if this means letting go of what sounds like good advice from others!

Offer treats to build trust

You must have available treats. Offer the treat when the husky is not distracted by something else, such as another animal or person. Do not offer treats to a husky who is near children or other people that are unfamiliar with it, because this may incite aggression out of fear or worry for your own safety (and possibly theirs).


Are you considering adopting a husky? If so, you’re definitely not alone. The husky is one of the most popular breeds in the United States, and it’s easy to see why. They’re beautiful, intelligent dogs that make excellent companions for active people who enjoy spending time outdoors with their pets. But with all this popularity comes some questions about whether adopting a husky is safe for certain families or lifestyles. 

So before going ahead and getting yourself one of these fascinating canines, let’s take a look at some things you should know about them first:

Are huskies too hyper?

Yes, huskies are very energetic and love to run, but they are also very friendly and loyal. If you have other dogs in the house it’s best to get a single-breed Husky (a purebred Siberian Husky mix). A multi-breed dog can be difficult for some people to handle because of their energy level.

How much exercise does a husky need?

Huskies need a lot of exercise every day! They need at least an hour on-leash or off-leash outside every day and play with toys inside the house too. You can also play fetch with them indoors or teach them tricks so they don’t get bored while you are gone during the day. If your husky doesn’t get enough exercise then he may become destructive in your home because he will be pent up with all that extra energy!

Are huskies good with babies?

Huskies are very protective of their family and territory, so they may not be the best fit for a home that has small children. They can be trained to be good with kids, but it will take some time and effort on your part.

In general, huskies do not get along well with other animals at all, especially cats. They can cause serious injury or death to small animals like birds and rodents if given the chance.

Do huskies like cuddling?

Huskies, like all dogs, love to cuddle. They will curl up next to you, nap on your lap and let you snuggle and kiss them. They can be very affectionate with their owners. Huskies are also very playful which makes them a lot of fun to be around if they get along well with other pets in the family.

Huskies are independent by nature and do not need constant supervision or attention from people when left alone at home for long periods of time. However, this does not mean that Huskies cannot be trained properly in order to become more obedient because they do have energy levels that should be monitored throughout their lives so as not to become destructive or aggressive towards others outside the home environment.

Are huskies aggressive?

Huskies are independent and strong-willed. While they may seem aggressive, this is only because they are trying to express their independence. If you do not give them the space they need or expect them to act like a traditional dog breed, you can easily provoke an outburst of aggression. This is more common when huskies are still young and don’t understand how to control themselves yet. 

Huskies are resistant toward other dogs and can be aggressive towards cats as well. However, if the husky has been socialized by an early age, then there will be no problems with introducing other species into their environments such as cats or small animals like rabbits.

Because of their high prey drive (the instinctive desire to hunt), huskies will chase anything that moves quickly enough. This includes squirrels in trees or joggers on sidewalks! They were bred for speed, so it’s natural for them to run fast. But what about those who aren’t up for the challenge? You might end up with an injured dog instead of one who gets exercise regularly enough!

Are huskies good guard dogs?

Huskies are not good guard dogs. They bark at strangers, but they’re not aggressive, and they don’t make good watchdogs. In fact, huskies are quite friendly to people in general. Huskies make excellent family companions if you can provide them with the exercise needed to keep them happy and healthy.

Are huskies good with other dogs?

Huskies love to play, so they will likely get along with other dogs in your home. However, if you have an aggressive breed of dog, it’s best to keep them apart for the safety of both pets.

Are huskies good with cats?

Some husky owners report that their dogs get along well with cats and even chase after them during playtime! But while this might be true for some huskies, it’s not always a safe bet. Some husky breeds may not know how to behave around smaller animals like cats or rabbits and could accidentally hurt them through roughhousing or nipping at their legs when they run away from the dog’s advances. It’s best to keep your cat indoors or else supervise interactions between the two species closely until you’ve determined that they’re compatible friends!

Do huskies bark a lot?

Huskies are vocal dogs and will bark for a variety of reasons. They’re known to bark at strangers, other dogs, and even cats, so you should be prepared for this should you adopt one. However, huskies don’t just bark because they feel threatened or want to protect you. They can also be very noisy just because they want attention!

If your husky is barking but not being aggressive towards anyone in particular, then it might just be trying to get your attention. In which case it needs some more physical exercise!


Wolves and huskies have some things in common, but they are also different. And if you are still unsure if the animal in front of you is either a wolf or a husky, just walk away! It is still better to make yourself safe than to let the animal enjoy its dinner (your body!)

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