Crate Training a Husky Puppy: Exclusive Step-by-Step Guide!

A crate is a safe shelter for a husky dog, and it is not easy to crate-train an adult dog. Consequently, you have to start crate training a husky pup before it matures. It is hard to crate train a mature husky dog. A crate creates a small space for your husky to feel safe and protected. A crate will save your husky in times of emergency.

Crate training a husky pup is a slow but continuous process that requires patience. The husky puppy must be willing to enter the crate. Do not throw it into the crate and shut the door; the puppy will be scared and anxious. Furthermore, where you put your crate will determine how fast the training process will be. This article has a step-by-step procedure for successful crate training a husky pup.

The Process of Crate Training a Husky Pup

Crate training a husky pup is a process, and each step depends on the previous step. So your foundation must be strong to handle all steps.

Step 1: Positioning of the crate

Crate training a husky pup depends on where you will first position or place the crate. Experts say you should place the crate in a frequent traffic area so that the puppy does not think it is in prison or abandoned. The living room is the best place in any house. You can change the position when the husky pup is used to the crate.

At this stage, do not close the crate’s door; your husky puppy must feel free to enter and leave the crate. Ensure people are always around when the pup is in the crate. Allow the dog to associate with the crate for long. Dog trainers say this stage takes up to twelve weeks.

Step 2: Make the crate comfortable.

Now your husky pup is used to the crate, and then it is time to start closing the door for some minutes. But before you do that, ensure the crate is comfortable enough for the pup. Spread a piece of blanket and add other treats like toys and food. The comfort is what will calm down your pup. Close the door but stand near the crate for five minutes, then open the door.

Food is the only thing that will motivate crate training a husky pup. First, place the food near the crate entrance and place it deep in the crate next time. Always appreciate your pup every time it enters the crate with a treat. Soon it will learn when it enters the crate and gets something good. Remember, you can close the door but stand by the crate for some time.

Step 3: Close the door and leave the room.

At this stage, your husky pup loves the comfortable crate and can enter the crate at his own will. But it is scared of being left alone, and it should understand you can lock the crate and go away. This is the hardest part of crate training a husky pup, but with time it will relax. At this point, when you lock the door, move backward when leaving the room.

Do not leave the room at once; maintain eye contact with the puppy as you leave. Eye contact will tell the puppy you are coming back. After twenty to thirty minutes, come and open the door. The time frame will increase as days move; repeat this step until your husky pup is not scared when you leave the room.

Step 4: Change the crate position

This is the last step of crate training a husky pup; your pup can enter the crate and be left alone for long. Now it is time to place it at a private place so that it can own the crate and the space. Professionals recommend silent places like under the stare case or in the study room. And make sure food is always in the crate.

Close the crate door when traveling with your pup or when visitors are around. A husky pup needs time to play; hence full time in the crate is not recommended. Always clean the crate, or else it can be a source of most puppy diseases.

Benefits of Crate Training a Husky Pup

1. Keeps your husky pup safe and secure

Crate training a husky pup will ensure it stays safe and secure when you are not around the house. Husky puppies love playing and chewing stuff in the house; they can quickly eat up the poison. Or they can be choked or electrocuted by open electric cables. On the other hand, you can easily step on your pup when busy, for example, in morning hours when everyone is busy preparing to leave the house.

But the crate will protect your husky puppy from all chaos. It is also a good place for your puppy to sleep and rest after playing with your children. Your puppy will also feel safe from loud sounds such as thunderstorms and hailstones. But do not leave your puppy for long in the crate.

2. Toilet training your puppy

Crate training a husky pup is another way of toilet training the puppy. Husky puppies are clean dogs, and they cannot pee or poop where they sleep and eat. A husky pup understands the crate is its house and must stay clean. Take your husky puppy outside once you open the crate and ensure its bladder is empty before entering the crate.

Sometimes when the crate is too big, the husky pup can take advantage and pee in one corner then sleep in the other one. In such a case, use dividers to create a small space for your husky pup.

3. Helps in emergencies

Crate training a husky pup will help you quickly locate it during emergencies like fire or emergency evacuation. When a husky pup is free, it can be scared and run into trouble, making it hard to rescue. A crate will help you quickly assemble your property to one place during an emergency evacuation. And the puppy will adapt faster to new environments.

4. Stops destructive behavior

Husky puppies are very destructive when left alone in the house. They can chew through your furniture, pillows, and carpets. But crate training a husky pup will stop such destructive behaviors. The crate will ensure the pup stays at one place when you are not around to monitor it. Some dog owners take pet insurance to cover such behaviors.

5. The crate controls separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is when your puppy does not want to be left alone, it will start barking and howling. But crate training a husky pup will teach it that the crate is a safe place to stay alone when the master is not around. Crate-train a husky when it is still a puppy so that it does not develop separation anxiety in adulthood.

6. Best place to recover when sick or injured

Husky puppies love playing even when they are sick. Crate training a husky pup will ensure it sleeps and rests when it is sick for medication to take action. An injured husky puppy requires adequate rest for the bones to heal, and the crate is the best relaxing place. The crate will also give peace of mind to a sick husky puppy.

7. Helps when traveling in a car

You can easily throw around your husky puppy while traveling hence injuring it. But crate training a husky pup will help you maintain the puppy in one place and safe. Sometimes the husky puppy can destroy your car’s interior, but the crate will prevent such situations. It will be easy to unload your car when you have the dog crate.

What to Do When Crate Training a Husky Pup

First, make sure your husky puppy is toileted before and after crating him; doing so will make him comfortable staying in the crate.

Ensure your husky puppy has access to water and some food. Food is not a must but make sure a water dish is always around because dehydration can quickly kill a puppy.

You can leave the TV or radio on so that your puppy does not feel completely alone in the house.

Ensure the puppy is happy to stay in the crate and it does not feel forced. Use chew toys and special treats to motivate your puppy to enter the crate.

Be patient and consistent while crate training a husky pup. Make sure you do not jump one step in the training procedure because all of the above steps depend on each other. Practice the procedure daily when the husky is still under four months.

Ensure you consider the crating duration. Puppies can stay in a crate for two hours, while adult dogs can stay for four hours. Experts suggest your husky gets enough physical exercise before and after crating.

What Not to Do When Crate Training a Husky Pup

Do not force your husky puppy in or out of the crate. Doing so will make the puppy have a negative attitude towards the crate.

Also, do not use the crate as a way to punish your husky puppy. The puppy will start relating the crate with the rough emotions and eventually hating the place.

Do not let the puppy out of the crate when barking or whining; wait until it calms down, then allow it out. Releasing when it is protesting means you are rewarding bad behavior, and it can do the same in the future.

Do not crate a husky puppy with separation anxiety because it can worsen the condition. Separation anxiety triggers most dog diseases and can make your puppy aggressive.

How to Clean a Husky’s Crate

What you need

– 2 gallons of water

– A soft brush

– Cleaning solution

– Liquid soap

– A hosepipe

Step one

Take your dog crate outside or in a well-ventilated room. Then remove all blankets, toys and any other object from the crate.

Step two

Wash all blankets and toys necessary for the dog and allow them to dry in the open. Remember to use cleaning solutions on these toys and blankets.

Step three

Use a hosepipe to wash down any solid stuff like mud and dust. Then add liquid water in a bucket of clean water shake vigorously until bubbles form.

Step four

Take up the soft brush and scrub the inside of the crate with soapy water. Use bleach or alcohol on stubborn stains. Once you are done scrubbing, rinse the crate with clean water and allow it to dry. Also, wash the outside of the crate.

Step five

When everything dries, return them into the crate and place the crate back in position in your house. Do not place dump blankets in the crate because they will attract mold and mildew. Mold and mildew can cause respiratory diseases to your husky puppy.


Crate training a husky pup is a lengthy sophisticated procedure that requires patience and consistency. Start by placing the crate in a suitable location with human contact so that your puppy can feel safe. Then ensure the crate is comfortable enough with blankets and motivations like food and chew toys.

Start locking the door but staying around for a few minutes. Next, lock the door, leave the room for about half an hour, and return to unlock. Once your puppy is happy with the crate, move the crate to a private location. Always ensure the crate is clean and the puppy is toileted before crating. Do not force the puppy in or out of the crate because it will create resistance in the future.

Crate training your husky pup will make your life easy in many situations. It will keep your mind at peace when you are out because the puppy is safe and secure. The crate will protect your property from destructive behaviors like chewing through furniture. A crate will be an easy way to escape in emergencies like fire and evacuations. Also, understand why your husky pup bites so much.

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